Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 222 Department of Physical Therapy Professional D.P.T. Programs—Fort Lauderdale and Tampa Bay Background Checks Background checks are required for clinical education experiences and activities. Some citations on the background checks may prevent a student from being assigned to or result in the student being denied placement at clinical sites. A student who cannot be placed at required clinical sites due to information of concern on the student’s background check(s) may not be able to complete the program. Students are required to inform the program director immediately if any circumstance has occurred in the past or occurs during the student’s tenure in the program, which may impact the background check. Health and Vaccine Requirements Students are required to comply with the PCHCS health policies found in the A.6 Health Policies section of the NSU Student Handbook. In addition to these requirements, clinical sites may require compliance with other conditions for student clinical placements. Additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, specific health attestations, personal protective equipment, and other vaccines not listed in section A.6. Academic Promotions and Progression The progress of each student through the curriculum requires continuous satisfactory academic performance. To complete the D.P.T. program in the normally scheduled three years for the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and three years and one semester for the Tampa Bay Regional Campus, students must successfully complete the courses in the time and sequence that they are offered and meet the requirements outlined in the Essential Functions of the D.P.T. student document at healthsciences.nova.edu/pt/dpt. Students who receive a final course grade of F in any didactic course will not be allowed to progress to the su cceeding semester. To graduate from the program, each student must successfully complete a comprehensive examination given during the last year of the program, complete a professional portfolio, meet community service learning requirements, and attend required professional conferences. Essential Functions/Technical Standards Students must be able to fulfill the Essential Functions/Technical Standards of a D.P.T. student throughout the D.P.T. program, with or without accommodation. Failure to fulfill these requirements may prevent students from continuing their studies through the program.