PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Occupational Therapy 2024–2025 217 • Authorship credit should go to those who do the actual writing and to those who have made significant scientific or scholarly contributions to a study, such as formulating hypotheses, structuring the design, conducting the analysis, interpreting results, or writing a major portion of a manuscript. • Those with minor contributions to the manuscript are appropriately acknowledged in footnotes, an introductory statement, or acknowledgments. • The following apply to students as authors: − Initially coauthorship between faculty member-student collaboration efforts may not clearly define who should be given authorship credit, and in what order the authors’ names should appear on published work. Therefore, it is especially important that all individuals involved in the project discuss authorship at the beginning of the project to complete the required Faculty Member-Student Agreement for Research and Authorship Form prior to substantial time on the project being invested. − A student is not automatically entitled to authorship if only some or minor material from the project is used in a paper, proposal, or progress or final report written by the student’s adviser, a faculty member, or supervisor. Reference to the material’s origin is sufficient in these cases. − If the student’s project is based on data collected as part of a larger research project under the supervision of one or more faculty members, it is appropriate to include those supervisors or faculty members as coauthors. − Submissions for publication or professional presentations (to include posters) that originated from a previous class assignment (papers, reports, projects, etc.) should first be discussed and agreed upon with the course instructor, with final approval granted by the program director, Department of Occupational Therapy, Nova Southeastern University—Tampa Bay. • Coauthorship may be a complex issue in certain cases. It is suggested that authorship credit and order be discussed with all possible collaborators before and during the project. The Authorship Agreement for Research Form must be completed, especially with projects that involve multiple key contributors, to minimize the chance of misunderstandings. • Major revisions to a project may result in changes in authorship order and/or credit. Project changes may include, but are not limited to, addition of author(s) that provided needed expertise and omitting author(s) as expertise was not included after the revisions and/or where expected work effort was not delivered as originally expected or agreed upon. These changes should be discussed and agreed upon before, and during, any major revision process, and a new agreement form should be completed. • The following apply to institutional affiliation: − Publishers usually require each author’s institutional affiliation. − Authors should acknowledge the department and institution where the primary work was done, as well the current institutional affiliation of each author. − Department of Occupational Therapy, Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences, Nova Southeastern University is the institutional affiliation.