Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Occupational Therapy 2024–2025 213 maximum final grade O.T.D. students may earn on any didactic course after any remediation will be 75 percent. The maximum final grade in Level II fieldwork experiences is a pass (P), as numerical scores are not assigned in those courses. Participation in the Virtual Learning Environment of the Blended (Hybrid) O.T.D. Program—Tampa Bay The student is responsible for keeping track of information posted in Canvas, the university’s learning management system (LMS), which includes, but is not limited to, the postings in the O.T.D. Student Center, contents of the course syllabi, items posted in Canvas Collaborate, course messaging, online examinations, the Respondus Lockdown Browser, etc. The program expects students to use effective time management and appropriate use of electronic communication and social media if necessary. Participation During On-Campus Institutes O.T.D. students are required to be present and participate during all scheduled (four to five) face-to-face institutes occurring every three or four weeks, strategically scheduled to have sessions occurring at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester. Unavoidable changes in the schedule will be communicated in a timely fashion. The institutes focus on application of learning and psychomotor skills, followed by active reflection and group/individual processing. Therefore, students are expected to have prepared according to individual faculty member instructions before coming to the institute. A maximum of one missed institute is allowed, at the discretion of the program director. A make up for missed face-to-face institutes may be available at the discretion of the course faculty member. Absence from on-campus institutes is either excused or unexcused. Absence is excused when it is due to a fortuitous event, such as a natural disaster or emergency (e.g., hurricanes, transportation delay outside control of the student, or if it involves death in the immediate family or severe acute or contagious illness of the student—an immediate family member is defined as a spouse, mother, father, aunt, uncle, motherin-law, father-in-law, sister, brother, grandparent, son, or daughter). In the case of illness, the student must submit a statement from an attending physician regarding the reason for absence. Students with an excused absence may make up their assignments/exams. The final decision for an excused absence rests with the program director. An unexcused absence may occur for any reason other than those listed above. In such cases, the student will have to make up the time at the discretion of the course faculty member. In addition, the student will not be able to make up any graded assignment or exam that occurred during the on-campus institute and will receive a 0 for that assignment or examination. Participation in Research Project The research sequence of the O.T.D. curriculum is embedded in seven courses of the curriculum, namely OTD 8101: Introduction to Didactic, Clinical and Capstone Experiences; OTD 8161: Evidence in Occupational Therapy Practice/Qualitative Design; OTD 8162: Research Design, Quantitative Methods, Proposal; OTD 8262L: Research Design Lab (IRB); OTD 8263: Research Project I—Implementation; OTD 8263L: Research Project I Lab—Data Analysis and Interpretation; and OTD 8364: Research Project II—Dissemination. This sequence allows the students to experience the research process from conceptualization to dissemination of results, thereby complying not only with the O.T.D. curriculum requirements, but also with the research component of the standards for doctoral-level occupational therapy education of the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE ® ). O.T.D.—Tampa Bay students are responsible for completion of these sequences, including satisfaction of all course requirements for graduation. Likewise, the student is