PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Occupational Therapy 2024–2025 207 memberships throughout the duration of the program. Maintaining AOTA and FOTA (or other state association) membership will ensure access to necessary professional resources required throughout the curriculum and will facilitate development of a professional identity. Students must submit proof of such membership on an annual basis. Textbooks Students will receive information about course textbooks prior to the start of the semester. Students may order textbooks from any source. However, it is highly recommended that students order the texts before the first day of the semester in time to complete their readings. Postprofessional Doctor of Occupational Therapy (Dr.O.T.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Occupational Therapy Postprofessional doctoral students should refer to the Occupational Therapy Doctoral Student Manual for guidelines and procedures pertaining to doctoral coursework, residency, capstone and dissertation, and other professional expectations. Academic Promotions and Progression The progress of each student through the curriculum requires continuous satisfactory academic performance. Any student failing a course or failing to exhibit satisfactory professional behavior will be referred to the CSP. A course may be repeated only once. Two course failures will result in program dismissal. See information regarding the CSP in the Academic Standing section of this handbook. Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for postprofessional doctor of occupational therapy students (Dr.O.T. or Ph.D.) is based on an alpha scale as shown below. Some courses may be Pass/Fail. Doctoral students must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0. Ph.D. and Dr.O.T. students must pass all coursework with a B (80 percent) or higher. Alpha Grade A B F Percent 90–100 80–89 (A grade of B/80 percent or above is required to pass in all courses) 0–79 Incomplete Coursework Students may receive a grade of I (incomplete) in a course if they are passing the course, based on all completed coursework to date, but are unable to complete all course requirements due to documented medical reasons or extenuating personal circumstances. An incomplete will be changed to an earned grade upon a student’s satisfactory completion of the course or residency requirements. A change from an incomplete to an earned grade must occur prior to the end of the agreement of the contract period, or the student’s grade will be converted to an F. The taking of incompletes is strongly discouraged and