Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Occupational Therapy 2024–2025 201 Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for O.T.D. students is based on a scale of 0–100 percent. P or Pass 75 percent or above for all courses F or Fail B elow 75 percent for all courses Grading for all OTD prefix courses is based on an alpha scale as shown. Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C F Scale 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 75–76 <75 Remediation/Retake Policy, if Applicable There are no course remediations offered in the O.T.D. program. The courses listed as Occupational Therapy Interventions I, II, III all include didactic coursework as well as Level I fieldwork experiences (FW-I). The student must pass the didactic portion of the corresponding intervention course to progress to the FW I placement (e.g., a student who fails the didactic portion of an intervention course will not begin the FW-I). Any failure of the didactic portion will delay the start of the FW-I, and possibly subsequent Level II fieldwork experiences (FW-II). Furthermore, a student who appeals course grades may not begin FW-I during the appeal process. Retaking any of the three intervention courses will follow the policy on course failures, and such retake, when applicable, should include both didactic and fieldwork experiences. Students will be permitted to participate in the first FW-II, offered during the summer semester, only after successful completion of all required academic coursework prior to OTD FW course. Students who fail this first FW-II rotation may or may not be offered the opportunity to retake the failed OTD course immediately. The same requirement to immediately retake failed rotation for the FW-II and capstone rotations will be enforced. Students may retake only one FW-II. Should students fail a second FW-II (which includes failing the same FWE-II twice), they will be considered to have failed two FWE-II and will be dismissed from the O.T.D. program. Additional tuition will be charged for repeated courses, including Level II fieldwork experiences. The maximum final grade in Level II fieldwork experiences is a pass (P), as numerical scores are not assigned in those courses.