PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 198 recommendations to the department chair. See the procedures for the CSP and Student Appeals in the college section of this handbook. The grading of the comprehensive examination is on a Pass/Fail basis. Students are notified of their results on the comprehensive examination by certified mail (return receipt requested), and a copy of the letter is sent to students’ NSU email account with response requested. Following the successful completion of the comprehensive examination, students can register for dissertation credits and begin the dissertation process. Students are allowed to take the complete comprehensive exam one time only. Students who fail one or two of the three categories on the comprehensive examination have failed the exam, and are referred to the CSP. The CSP will examine the student’s individual case and may recommend that the student be allowed to retake a failed category or categories at the next scheduled course offering. If students are allowed to retake a failed category, they have one opportunity to pass all failed categories. Students who have failed the exam may register for the next semester, although they may not be eligible for federal funds. Failure of one or two categories on retake results in the student’s second failure of the comprehensive examination. Students who fail the comprehensive examination on retake are referred to the CSP for possible dismissal from the Ph.D. program. All college-wide policies regarding academic honesty, CSP, and appeals apply to the comprehensive exam. Students are required to familiarize themselves with academic standards and the academic honesty policy and procedure as described in the college section of this handbook. Students who wish to dispute their grades must contact the Ph.D. program director as there is no direct communication between graders and students. Grade disputes must be in writing within five business days from notification of the comprehensive examination results. The program director will interact directly with the faculty member who graded the exams and inform the student of the grader’s comments. The grade dispute ends at the program director level. Policy on Examinations Reviews Exams are designed to be both a means of evaluation and a learning experience. The program will determine how students will receive feedback in a timely manner for each exam. To maintain the integrity of summative examinations, all examination reviews will be conducted in a secure environment. Students are not permitted to duplicate, receive, or distribute examination questions or answers. Violations of this policy are considered a breach of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, and the student will be referred to the CSP.