Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 197 that are offered only once per calendar year must be completed by the end of the following calendar year. Students must request any extension, in writing, from the course instructor, with a copy to the program director. See the procedures on Incomplete Coursework in the Department of Health Science section of this handbook. HSP 9007 Research Practicum is a Ph.D. in Health Science program exception to the incomplete coursework policy. Students who do not complete HSP 9007 in the required 16 weeks must enroll in HSP 9010 Research Practicum Continued. A grade of In Progress (PR) will be transcribed for HSP 9007. A charge of two credits for continuing services will be made for HSP 9010 to maintain students’ full time status in the program. This depends on whether or not the student began the program before or after fall 2019. Students who successfully complete HSP 9010 in one semester will pass or receive an alpha grade for HSP 9010, and the HSP 9007 In Progress grade will be converted to Pass (P) or the same alpha grade as HSP 9010. Students who do not successfully complete HSP 9010 in one semester will fail HSP 9010 and the HSP 9007 In Progress grade will be converted to Fail (F). Students who failed HSP 9007 and HSP 9010 will be counted as two course failures in the Ph.D. in Health Science program. Any such student will be referred to the CSP for disposition, which may result in dismissal from the program. See the CSP procedures in the college section of this handbook. Students who are dismissed from the program may appeal the decision of the dismissal. See the procedures on Student Appeals in the college section of this handbook. Comprehensive Examination The comprehensive examination is a written examination that students take after the completion of all the required Ph.D. in Health Science coursework, and before beginning the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. program. It is designed to evaluate the student’s ability to demonstrate that the student is a suitable candidate for a Ph.D. degree. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination is required for students to move to advanced standing and begin dissertation research. The comprehensive examination is given two times per academic year during the summer and winter semesters, in the online format. Students must take the comprehensive examination within one year of completion of all academic coursework. Failure to complete the requirements within the time frame may result in dismissal from the program. Students register with the Department of Health Science prior to the comprehensive exam and receive an examination number. Students who register for the comprehensive examination certify by this action that they are prepared to take the exam. However, participating in the comprehensive examination center does not mean that students will pass the comprehensive examination. Students can withdraw from the comprehensive examination without a reason 10 days before the exam. Once this time has passed, students with circumstances beyond their control—such as sickness, car accident, family illness, or other family issues—must notify the Ph.D. program director at the earliest possible time and provide documentation to support their need to withdraw from the exam. Students who have obtained approval from the program director to withdraw from the comprehensive examination will be allowed to take the comprehensive examination at the next scheduled offering. Students who registered for the comprehensive examination and who fail to take the examination, or students who do not contact the program director requesting to be excused from the examination will automatically fail the comprehensive examination. Students who have failed the comprehensive examination are referred to the CSP. The CSP will examine the student’s individual case and will make appropriate