Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 196 Withdrawal from a Course A request for withdrawal from a course shall be made in writing to the program director up to 21 days prior to the end of the term in which the student is enrolled. The student may request withdrawal only if the student is in good standing. A withdrawal from a course requires approval from the program director. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be recorded. The grade of W will be replaced by an earned grade only if the student retakes the course. Unofficial, late, or poor standing withdrawals may result in a grade of unearned F. Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for students entering the Ph.D. in Health Science program prior to, but not including, fall 2019 is based upon Pass/Fail. P Pass (80 percent or above) F Fail (below 80 percent) I Incomplete PR Progress Grading for students entering the Ph.D. in Health Science program beginning fall 2019 or later is based upon alpha scale as shown below. Comprehensive Exams (HSP 9008) and Dissertation (HSP 9011–9017) are based upon Pass/Fail as shown above. Alpha Grade A B F Percent 90–100 80–89 Below 80 Retake Policy, Student Progress, Academic Probation, and Dismissal If a required course is failed, the student must repeat the course at its next regularly scheduled offering. Additional tuition will be charged for repeated courses. A student who has experienced one course failure may be placed on academic probation. A student with two or more course failures while in the Ph.D. in Health Science program may be dismissed from the program. Any course failed on first taking will be considered a course failure. Passing a course through retake does not negate the original failure for purposes of retention in the program. See the policies and procedures regarding CSP and Student Appeals in the college section of this handbook. Incomplete Coursework A grade of Incomplete (I) is issued because of unexpected emergencies and must be made up within one term following courses that are excluded from this policy. Students requesting extensions of the 30-day period due to medical or military reasons are expected to provide official documentation. If the incomplete grade is not made up accordingly, it will be converted into a failing grade (F). Courses