Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 191 Attendance All M.H.Sc. courses are designed in distance learning formats. Each student holds the responsibility to fulfill all class requirements, review recommended resources, and meet the appropriate deadlines for assignment submission and exams. The program reserves the right to administratively withdraw students who have registered for a course but have not logged into that course or contacted the program by the end of the first two weeks of the semester. All students are also required to log in to the student center at least once a week. Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for courses in the M.H.Sc. program is based on an alpha scale. Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C F Scale 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 75–76 0–74 Requirements for Graduation Students are required to submit applications for degrees once they have enrolled in their final semester. Exceptions to this policy can be granted on a case-by-case basis by the program director for students who wish to continue their studies to complete additional coursework or an additional specialty track. Students who plan to continue their studies to complete additional coursework or an additional specialty track must submit their requests in writing and have documented plans to complete the educational program to which they were admitted within five years from date of admission into the program. (Final semester is defined as the semester in which the student obtains the 37 required hours for the generalist, sports medicine, higher education, health care risk management, patient safety, and compliance tracks; 41 hours for the health law track; or 31 hours for the health care administration and leadership track.) Information regarding the degree application process can be found on the M.H.Sc. Student Center on Canvas. If you are receiving financial aid, you need to contact the financial aid office at (954) 262-3380 or toll free at 800-806-3680 to obtain their advice on how your decision to continue beyond your degree requirements may or may not affect your financial aid eligibility. A cumulative GPA of a minimum of 3.0 is required for graduation for the M.H.Sc. program. Students completing the coursework for graduation, but not achieving the required minimum GPA for graduation will be required to enroll in additional coursework at additional costs to bring their cumulative GPA up to the minimum requirement for graduation. If you are receiving financial aid, you need to contact the financial aid office at (954) 262-3380 or toll free at 800-806-3680 to obtain their advice on how your decision to continue beyond your degree requirement may or may not affect your financial aid eligibility.