PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 188 • Academic progression during clinical externships is based upon records indicating the number and type of procedures performed by the student, the examination findings, the extent of student supervision, and the level of student involvement in scanning/performance. Records must be maintained and must document that the student meets the minimum number of procedures and types of procedures established by the program. Students and clinical coordinators ensure that all required clinical competencies are assessed by vetted clinical instructors holding the appropriate credentials to the assessed clinical competencies. Students who do not achieve the required clinical competencies or the minimum number of procedures and types of procedures as established by the program, will not be able to graduate from the program. • Clinical extension of program: If, for any reason, the student does not fulfill the requirements for clinical externships (BMS 4500, 4600, and 4700), the program has the authority to extend the student’s clinical externships, which may result in additional cost to the student. Please also refer to the section on Academic Promotions and Progression. Electronic Communications Electronic communications, including faxes and electronic mail, must adhere to the university policy. The use of cellular phones and other unauthorized electronic devices are not permitted during the lectures or lab sessions. Students may be requested to step out of the auditorium or the laboratory if the student uses a cellular phone or any other unauthorized electronic device without authorization from the instructor. Recurrent behavior will be referred to the CSP for unprofessional behavior. Clinical Site Requirements Students in off-site clinical sites will be required to comply with all the special requirements of the facility. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, fingerprinting, proof of vaccinations, proof of insurance, and so on. The college does not assume any responsibility, other than informing the student of the requirements. The student must fully comply with all requirements of the specific facility before participating in any activities at that facility. Failure to be eligible to participate in activities at an assigned facility may result in the student not being allowed to complete that clinical experience; in that case, the student will be reassigned to another clinical rotation, if possible. Students may be videotaped in certain academic classes and clinical labs for teaching-learning purposes. Students must sign a release form for videotaping at the time of registration. Students should obtain permission from instructors to videotape or audiotape lectures. Verbal permission is acceptable. Training Laboratory 1. F oreword: Most of the core sonography courses in the program have been developed to include a large and crucial hands-on training component in the program’s ultrasound training laboratory. This model offers a considerable benefit to the learning process of technical skills before students start clinical externships during the second year of study. The program strives to expose the students to state-of-the-art equipment for the acquisition of these skills. The program also ensures that the environment in the ultrasound training laboratory is safe. Extracurricular lab sessions are mandatory as they are oriented to refine technical skills and prepare students for their clinical externships. Attendance and participation during these sessions will be considered when assigning clinical sites for externships.