PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health Science 2024–2025 175 the CSP. Any failed online course may need to be repeated and additional tuition will be charged and may result in delay of progress through the program. Failure of any single core course will be cause for referral to the CSP and may be cause for dismissal from the program. Incomplete Coursework For the B.S.—MS program, a grade of incomplete may be issued due to extraordinary circumstances and must be made up within one semester or based on instructor recommendation and program director approval. Students requesting extensions due to medical or military reasons are expected to provide official documentation. It is the student’s responsibility to consult the instructor and request the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form, no later than three weeks prior to the end of the course. The form must be signed by the student, instructor, and the B.S.—MS program director. The student must have successfully completed 50 percent of the assignments prior to course end and prior to requesting an incomplete grade. The instructor will not accept assignments received after the date indicated on the agreement, and the student’s grade will be assigned according to the work the student completed by the end of the course. A grade of I cannot be given if less than 50 percent of the assignments have been completed by the official end date of the course. An incomplete grade that has not been changed by the official date in the agreement will be converted to an F by the administrative staff members of the Department of Health Science. Dress Code The medical sonography program complies with the PCHCS dress code. In addition, students in the didactic phase of the curriculum will be required to wear a uniform for training in the ultrasound teaching lab. Students also may be required to wear this uniform during end-of-rotation seminars within the clinical year. This uniform will include a gray, short-sleeved T-shirt, either plain or with the medical sonography program or NSU logo on the front. No logo or writing should be on the back of the T-shirt. Pants must be navy blue, gym-type shorts with an elastic waistband and drawstrings, either plain or with the program or NSU logo on the pant leg. All students must be prepared and able to remove the T-shirt for thoracic, upper arm, and abdominal examination at any time during training in the ultrasound teaching lab. Therefore, females must wear a sports bra or similar under attire, beneath the T-shirt. Athletic shoes and socks must be worn at all times in the lab, except as dictated by the instructor for specific training purposes. This uniform is permitted to be worn only in the ultrasound teaching lab. Upon leaving a lab session, unless immediately leaving the NSU campus for the day, the program-specific white clinical jackets must be worn, and students should change back into normal professional attire or program-specific scrubs. An area of special emphasis is preparing our students for the dress code requirements and restrictions they will have to follow while at their clinical externships in year two of the program. Accordingly, while in lab, all students will follow these guidelines, which are typical of clinical sites: • ID badges must be worn below the neck but above the waistline. • Hair must be pulled back and controlled, or up off of the collar. • Artificial nails, nail art, and acrylic nails or nail extensions may not be worn. • Nails must be trimmed to ¼” past the tip of the finger. Nail polish must not be chipped or cracked. • Any visible tattoos must be covered.