PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Health and Human Performance 2024–2025 154 Textbooks Each course will have textbook requirements in the syllabus, and both rental and purchase options are available at the NSU bookstore, nsubooks.bncollege.com. Online textbooks and resources may also be required as part of the course materials. Professional Dress Code While on an NSU campus and during regular class hours, students are to comply with the PCHCS dress code previously outlined in the student handbook. While students are in the Exercise and Sport Science Laboratory or at clinical/practicum experience sites, they are to adhere to the specific site requirements and the Exercise and Sport Science program guidelines. Student Grievance Policy The purpose of grievance procedures is to promote the orderly resolution of problems arising out of a student complaint concerning a policy, procedure, or administrative action of NSU. Students will follow the PCHCS procedures for both academic and nonacademic disputes. Community Relations The Department of Health and Human Performance depends on relationships with university, college, preceptors, supervisors, clinical sites, clients/patients, and the public at large. Each student and staff and faculty member represents the university, college, and department in daily interactions with the community. Students are expected to act as a professional and communicate respectfully at all times. Retention and Remediation Policy All students receiving a failing grade of less than a C in a course will be required to repeat the scheduled course and achieve a C or better at its next scheduled offering. Upon achieving a C or better in a repeated course, an E will be noted after the original grade on the student’s transcript, in a column marked “repeated,” and that original grade will then be excluded from GPA calculation. The new course grade (the grade of the repeated course) will be noted on the transcript followed by an I in the column marked “repeated.” This repeated course grade will be included in the GPA calculation. Additional tuition will be charged for any repeated course. Withdrawal Students who wish to withdraw from the program must submit a written voluntary withdrawal request via email to the program director who will evaluate the student’s request. The withdrawal period ends three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Students who wish to withdraw outside of this time frame must provide documentation of medical—or other circumstances—which warrant this exception. Once a class has been completed, the student does not have the option to withdraw. A notation of the reason for withdrawal will be placed on the student’s transcript.