Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 121 office and/or Office of Student Affairs. The dean’s office/student affairs representative is a nonvoting member and assures that policies and procedures are carried out to protect the rights of the student and to assure that the policies of the college are followed. Each program director will be responsible for appointing one faculty representative. The chair of the CWAC will participate in the voting process only in the case of a tie or if the chair is counted to make a quorum. Hearings Protocol and Procedure • The student will be notified of the date, place, and time of the hearing via email (read receipt requested). • Any students who fail to appear at the designated date and time will automatically waive their right to appeal. • The Appeals Committee hearing will proceed under the direction of the chair. • A quorum must be present to convene an official appeal hearing and will be constituted by 50 percent or more of the voting membership including the chair. • Students will provide the committee chair with a list of any witnesses they may have, in writing, no later than two business days before the hearing date. Only witnesses with direct information that is related to the program director/department chair or the program CSP’s failure to adhere to the policies and procedures of the university, HPD, and/or the PCHCS in making its decision will be considered. • Students will be present only during their testimony. • Witnesses, if any, may be present only during their testimony. Each witness will be housed in a separate waiting area to avoid any contact among witnesses or with the student. • The Appeals Committee may question any witnesses present during the hearing. • The Appeals Committee will have the option of calling more witnesses. The student shall not be present during the questioning of any witnesses. Appeals Committee Hearing Process • The chair will convene the hearing with only committee members present. • The chair will advise the committee members of the violation(s) and the program decision, review the evidence, respond to any questions, and provide opportunity for preliminary discussions. • The chair will call the student into the hearing room and introduce the student to the committee members. • Students will have an opportunity to present their appeal, provide statements, summarize their position, and respond to any questions from the committee members. • The chair will then dismiss the student from the hearing.