PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 120 7. In courses with distinctly separate written and practical grade components, a student who fails that course may, at the discretion of the program chair/director, be required to remediate both components or only the failed component. If successfully remediated, the student will receive the minimum passing grade for that component as well as the course, rather than the actual grade received on the remediated exam. Student Appeals Policy and Procedure The Student Appeals Hearing is an informal proceeding conducted by the College-Wide Appeals Committee (CWAC) upon the written request of the student in question. This written request must be received by the chair of the CWAC within five business days of student notification from the program director. Participation by legal representatives with regard to preparation of the written request is prohibited. No rules of evidence will be used. The hearing shall be internal, private, and closed to those not associated with the university. Nonuniversity personnel are not available for consultation during these hearings. Legal representation or any other form of representation during the appeal hearing is prohibited. No recording devices will be permitted during the hearing process. All procedures and actions are aimed to safeguard and preserve the educational and developmental mission of the PCHCS. The purpose of the CWAC is to review decisions to ensure the policies and procedures of the university, HPD, and the PCHCS have been followed. No new evidence which was not presented to the department will be considered by the CWAC. Appeals Committee Responsibilities The CWAC will hear all student appeals of decisions by the department chair or designee of each of the departments or individual programs of the PCHCS relating to dismissal or disciplinary actions involving professional issues. The CWAC will review the decision to ensure the policies and procedures of the university, HPD, and the PCHCS have been followed. If a student appeals the decision of the department chair or designee, the appeal must be in writing and submitted to the chair of the CWAC within five business days (excluding holidays and weekends) after the date of receiving notification of the department chair or designee decision. Any appeals not submitted to the chair of the Appeals Committee within this time frame shall not be heard. The appeal must contain a concise statement of all relevant facts and the result sought. The CWAC will not consider evidence which was not presented to the department or the program CSP. The appeal may be submitted in hard copy, including a mailing address, and should also be emailed to the chair of the program committee to expedite a response. Appeals Committee Membership The Appeals Committee shall consist of six faculty members from the PCHCS, one of whom will be elected by the members of the committee to serve as chair, and one representative from the dean’s