PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 118 in effect for a designated number of semesters of attendance, after which it is expunged from the student’s file.” A student who violates the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be referred to the program’s CSP. Please see the CSP procedures in the PCHCS section of this handbook. Probation Disciplinary Probation is one disciplinary level higher than Disciplinary Warning and appears on the student’s official transcript. Probation serves as an opportunity to address serious disciplinary difficulties with the goal of preventing expulsion from the program. It is a “disciplinary sanction serving notice to students that their behavior is in serious violation of university standards. A time period is indicated during which another violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will automatically raise the question of a more severe sanction (suspension or expulsion) if the student is found in violation.” A student who violates the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be referred to the program’s CSP. Please see the CSP procedures in the PCHCS section of this handbook. Suspension Suspension is one disciplinary level higher than Probation and appears on the student’s official transcript. It is a mandatory separation from the program for a period of time specified in an order of suspension. Suspension is stipulated when students violate the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and/or do not meet the conditions of their probation, as described above. Readmission to the program will not be entertained until the period of separation indicated in the suspension order has elapsed and is subject to approval of the department chair/program director. During the period of suspension, the student may be subject to other restrictions, which will be outlined by the student’s program. A student who violates the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be referred to the program’s CSP. Please see the CSP procedures in the PCHCS section of this handbook. Dismissal Dismissal is the final and most severe step in the levels of disciplinary recourse. Dismissal is stipulated when students violate the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and/or do not meet the conditions of their probation, as described above. A student who violates the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility will be referred to the program’s CSP, which will make recommendations to the department chair/program director. The college reserves the right, and the student by the act of matriculation concedes to the college the right, to require withdrawal at any time the college deems it necessary to safeguard its standards of scholarship, professional behavior, and compliance with regulations, or for such other reasons as are deemed appropriate.