PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 110 Audio and Videotaping In some programs of study, students are audiotaped and/or videotaped in certain academic classes and clinical labs for teaching, learning, and/or grading purposes. Program offices will obtain authorization and releases from students prior to any taping. Students wishing to videotape or audiotape lectures must first obtain written permission from the individual course instructor. However, absolutely no audio or videotaping is authorized during exam reviews and exams. Examinations and Grading Policy on Returning Examinations Exams are designed to be both a means of evaluation and a learning experience. The program will determine how students will receive feedback in a timely manner for each exam. To maintain the integrity of summative examinations, all examination reviews will be conducted in a secure environment. Students are not permitted to duplicate, receive, or distribute examination questions or answers. Violations of this policy are considered a breach of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, and the student will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress. Grading System At the end of each course, the course director or course professor enters and submits a grade for each student to the office of the department chair or program director. Each program determines the method of grading using Pass/Fail (P/F), numeric, or alpha (letter) grading scales. Grades will be issued for clinical rotations as well as didactic courses. In all PCHCS programs, failing grades will be included in calculating the GPA for the term in which the grade was received and in the cumulative GPA. When a student passes a course by remediation examination, the minimum passing grade for that degree program will be recorded as the final grade followed by the notation E [e.g., C(E)] next to the grade on the transcript. I Incomplete IF Incomplete Fail IP Incomplete Pass or In Progress IW Incomplete Withdrawal W Withdrawal WP Withdrawal Passing WF Withdrawal Failing