PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 108 • have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher • complete the program within seven years from the initial term of enrollment • submit an application for degree and satisfy all NSU/PCHCS financial obligations Attendance In NSU’s PCHCS, attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and students are expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. Class schedules are issued from time to time as an aid to faculty members and students, but the administration reserves the right to make changes, assign Saturday hours, or deviate from published schedules without notice. General Guidelines In general in the PCHCS, students are graded on the basis of intellectual effort and performance, not on class attendance. It is recognized, however, that in some classes a student’s grade may be based wholly or in part on class participation (e.g., laboratory sessions), and thus absences may lower the student’s grade. In such cases, each course instructor will provide the course attendance policy, as well as any policy for making up missed assignments, in the course syllabus. Students are instructed to refer to their college’s individual program policies/syllabi regarding attendance, as exceptions or additional restrictions may apply. Student Responsibility for Missed Assignments It is a student’s responsibility to complete all course requirements when a class is missed, but only at the convenience of the faculty member. Responsibility for materials presented in lectures, assignments, and tests/quizzes given in regularly scheduled classes lies solely with the student. Faculty Member Responsibility for Missed Assignments Faculty members are under no obligation to provide makeup quizzes/tests/exams, etc. for students who are absent from classes in which those quizzes/tests/exams are administered. Although the course instructor should exercise a fair and consistent standard for resolving questions of missed assignments, the type, extent, manner, and time frame of any makeup assignments shall be at the discretion of the instructor. Clinical Rotations, Experiences, Placements, Fieldwork, or Externship Attendance, while on clinical rotations, follows different procedures. These are noted in the policy and procedures Clinical Education Handbook or Fieldwork Externship Manual distributed by the program or department prior to going on rotations. Promptness Promptness is another trait a proper health care practitioner must display. Additionally, tardiness in class disturbs both the lecturer and other members of the class, and is thus markedly inconsiderate and rude. University class hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday.