PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) 2024–2025 102 • complete the ARDMS Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) by the end of the first year • have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, or higher Accelerated Dual-Degree Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.)/Doctor of Health Science (D.H.Sc.) Program • be of good moral and ethical character • satisfactorily complete the 20 credits in the M.H.Sc. program and the 55 credits in the D.H.Sc. program • receive a recommendation by the M.H.Sc. and D.H.Sc. program directors to the dean of the PCHCS The M.H.Sc. degree can be awarded upon completion of 43 credits (the 20 credits of the M.H.Sc. core courses and the D.H.Sc. ethics course, the D.H.Sc. research course, a 4-credit D.H.Sc. course of the student’s choice, the D.H.Sc. internship/practicum preparation course, and the D.H.Sc. internship and practicum courses, 23 credits). Accelerated Dual-Degree Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.)/Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Health Science Program • be of good moral and ethical character • satisfactorily complete the 41 credits for the M.H.Sc. program and the 47 credits for the Ph.D. program • receive a recommendation by the M.H.Sc. and Ph.D. program directors to the dean of the PCHCS The M.H.Sc. degree can be awarded upon completion of 41 credits (the 24 M.H.Sc. level credits and the 17 Ph.D. level credits). Master of Medical Science (M.M.S.) in Physician Assistant • be of good moral and ethical character • satisfactorily complete the program of study required for the degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) • successfully complete all didactic and clinical coursework • demonstrate professional behavior throughout the program Master of Occupational Therapy (M.O.T.) • be of good moral character • satisfactorily complete the program of study required for the degree (99 credits) with a minimum grade of C+ in each OCT course; C in anatomy, physiology, and neuroanatomy; and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3