CHCS Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Nova Southeastern University, Copyright © 2019 13 and resulting outcomes • ACTION: Meet with OIIT to review the main and regional campuses technology and support services needs • RESPONSIBLE: Dean & Chairs • OUTCOME: Technology and support services will be optimized so that faculty can complete their job responsibilities. • STATUS: Ongoing • ACTION: The Student Handbook, Catalog, and Program Brochures will be available electronically to students and other stakeholders prior to the beginning of each school year • RESPONSIBLE: Academic Affairs • OUTCOME: The Student Handbook, the Catalog, and the Program Brochures will be available during the orientation sessions for all entering students • STATUS: Contingent upon workflow from Office of Publications • ACTION: All regularly scheduled classes will have adequately assigned space in a timely manner before the beginning of classes. • RESPONSIBLE: Program Chairs/ Directors and The Events and Academic Support Systems • OUTCOME: All regularly scheduled classes will have adequately assigned Space one month before the beginning of classes. • STATUS: There has been adequate classroom space for all programs most of the time. Immediate feedback is provided to room scheduling as a conflict arises to allow them to resolve. Will continue to monitor. • ACTION: The PCHCS will provide dedicated space, funds, and necessary Equipment to support research as required by accrediting bodies and/or as desired by faculty • RESPONSIBLE: Dean’s Office and Office of Research and Technology Transfer, PCHCS Research Committee • OUTCOME: The CHCS will provide dedicated space, funds, and necessary equipment to support research The PCHCS will support and monitor workload hours for faculty research. The PCHCS will support sabbatical leave for research purposes. • STATUS: Ongoing; more space is needed