CHCS Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Nova Southeastern University, Copyright © 2019 12 updated as necessary. PCHCS faculty policies will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary • STATUS: Ongoing • ACTION: Each PCHCS program in coordination with the Office of Academic Affairs, will implement ongoing outcome measures and analyses. • RESPONSIBLE: Program Chairs/Directors and Office of Academic Affairs • OUTCOME: Each PCHCS program will have an established Outcomes Committee or an Individual assigned to review outcomes. PCHCS programs will maintain a first-time pass rate on national examinations at or above state and national levels. All programs will conduct an exit survey to gather and analyze data on teaching, clinical, and overall program evaluation. Each program will annually review its attrition / graduation rate consistent with accreditation standards, when applicable. All programs should engage in outcome studies with a goal of producing an outcome report annually • STATUS: Ongoing Goal #4 Ensure that all PCHCS programs are provided appropriate technology, adequate space, equipment and other vital supports to facilitate efficient and effective instruction within each unit. • ACTION: Each program will have access to the most current and effective technological tools in support of curriculum design and preparation as well as classroom instruction. At the bi-monthly Chairs’ and Directors’ meeting, technology will be an ongoing standard agenda item for individuals to share relevant and contemporary information with respect to technology to support curriculum • RESPONSIBLE: Office of Information Technology; Vendors • OUTCOME: Each program will have available the most current and effective technology for all academic programming including the classroom • STATUS: All departments will continue to monitor requirements and assure that these are reflected in budgets and in curriculum planning. • ACTION: Educational technologies will be available in a consistent and complimentary manner at all locations where instruction is provided, and appropriately supported • RESPONSIBLE: Office of Information Technology/ Office of Academic Affairs • OUTCOME: All faculty in the PCHCS will be satisfied with the support offered through Office of Information Technology as measured by routine surveys and follow-up • STATUS: OIIT project / event tracking will document requests for support