CHCS Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Nova Southeastern University, Copyright © 2019 10 • OUTCOME: Use market and institutional research to guide marketing, recruitment, and admissions processes and decisions. Research will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary. • STATUS: Ongoing • ACTION: Create or enhance efficient and produc1ve recrui1ng programs that ensure strategic enrollments are met. • RESPONSIBLE : Director of Admissions and Outreach • OUTCOME : Recruitment programs are coordinated (personnel and financial) to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. • STATUS : In development • ACTION: Develop a comprehensive marke1ng and communica1on plan that reaches our target audiences and improves marketplace visibility. • RESPONSIBLE : Director of Admissions and Outreach • OUTCOME : Increase awareness and engagement with prospective through accepted students via digital, print, and out of home mediums. • STATUS: In development • ACTION: PCHCS programs will publish admission standards that are thorough and rigorous and that reflect current requirements of peer institutions • RESPONSIBLE: Programs’ Admissions Committee • OUTCOME: The mean program scores for PCHCS post-baccalaureate matriculates will be: Minimum 3.0 GPA. Minimum GRE score that approximates the scores acceptable at peer programs/institutions. • STATUS: Implemented and ongoing • ACTION: Create or enhance efficient and productive recruiting programs that ensure strategic enrollments are met • RESPONSIBLE : Director of Admissions and Outreach • OUTCOME : Recruitment programs are coordinated (personal & financial) to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness • STATUS: In development • ACTION: Each PCHCS program will design a mentoring process that focuses on retention, progression, and graduation of competent health care professionals • RESPONSIBLE: Program Chairs/Directors and CSP Chairs • OUTCOME: Each program will design and implement a mentoring method • STATUS: Completed and ongoing • ACTION: Programs will be in place to appropriately recognize high