Health Professions Division Dissertation Guide
50 PEER-REVIEWED PRESENTATION AND PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH The candidate will be required to show evidence that she/he submitted the following: 1. A proposal based on the dissertation research for a national or international level peer- reviewed presentation. 2. An article for a national or international level peer-reviewedpublication. The chair of the committee and appropriate members should be listed as secondary authors and others involved with the study or dissertation may be included in acknowledgements . Such a manuscript must include wording similar to the following: “Based on a dissertation completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the candidate’s PhD program at Nova Southeastern University.” Candidates should follow their department’s authorship and order guidelines and requirements when submitting dissertation-related manuscripts for publication and presenting your dissertation at conferences and meetings. The specific PhD programs track alumni and would like to acknowledge the graduate’s achievements by noting the alumnus or alumna, awards, career progression, new positions, and so forth in our newsletters and other publications in the future. Our graduates’ future achievements and scholarly products are also considered program outcomes for our required internal and external program evaluation reports, so please keep your contact information with us current and help us by responding to requests for information on your achievements. Important note: if the graduate fails to submit his/her dissertation research for publication in a refereed journal within 12 months of completing the final dissertation report, the chair may submit for publication an article(s) about this research as first author with the student as secondaryauthor and committee members as indicated. GRADUATION AND CONFERMENT After the final dissertation report has been approved, the Program Director or designee will contact the candidate with information about how to apply for graduation. All grades must be finalized, and all financial obligations to the University must be paid before a degree is granted. Graduation and Commencement Candidates may apply for commencement and hooding ceremony if the candidate has successfully defended before the commencement application deadline. Graduation is held once a year in August and the commencement application deadline is typically in May or June. Candidates not meeting the commencement application deadline may apply for commencement the following year. Note that the degree conferral is a separate process from commencement. The PhD degree will be conferred after all program requirements have been fulfilled and after the candidate has completed the degree application.