Health Professions Division Dissertation Guide
42 Chapter 3. Methodology Chapter 4. First Manuscript , preceded by Contribution of Authors and Co-Authors and Manuscript Information Page Chapter 5. Second Manuscript , preceded by Contribution of Authors and Co-Authors and Manuscript Information Page Chapter 6. Third Manuscript , preceded by Contribution of Authors and Co-Authors and Manuscript Information Page Chapter 7b. General Conclusion/Discussion (common conclusion linking all manuscripts thematically to answer the broad research question. Follow the same instruction from standard formatting) a If the literature review is written for publication, use the manuscript format. b Chapter number for General Conclusion depends on the number of manuscripts prepared. Back Matter Bibliography/References Cited Common bibliography/references cited cover all chapters although each manuscript should have its own reference section. If using AMA style, the candidate can choose to have reference list for each chapter. Appendices Follow the standard formatting. Other Helpful Information If work from a previously published manuscript or from a manuscript accepted for publication is to be used in the dissertation, it is standard for the copyright of this material to be held by the journal. Consequently, permission from the journal to reproduce this copyrighted material must be obtained and included at the relevant sections of the thesis/dissertation . An example of the permission statement might read as “The following chapter has been published (accepted for publication) in the Journal of XYZ and appears in this dissertation with the journal’s permission. Any modifications of published work (e.g., those required by the advisory committee) should also be clarified. This option is not meant to provide you with information specific to the style required by peer- reviewed journals in your discipline. If you have any questions concerning details of the preparation of the journal article chapters(s) that are not covered in this section, consult the journal’s guide for authors in which your manuscript(s) will be published . It is the responsibility of the candidates and their dissertation committees to ensure that the journal style is followed.