Health Professions Division Dissertation Guide
10 References The reference list has an entry for every work cited in the sections from the problem statement and goal through the approach. Do not include sources not used to write the paper. There must be a matching in-text citation for every entry in the reference list. It should follow either AMA or APA style. Upon committee approval of the idea paper proposal, the candidate’s advisor will notify the Program Director. A copy of the approved idea paper is kept on file in the program office. Dissertation Committee The formation of the dissertation committee is one of the most important steps in the dissertation process. Candidates will be eligible to begin their dissertation research upon successful passage of the comprehensive/qualifying examination. The Program Director will advise the candidate when to initiate the formation of a dissertation committee. Based on general discussion, the Program Director will recommend NSU faculty with expertise in the identified area of proposed research. Upon discussion of the idea paper with the Program Director or potential committee chair, the candidate will communicate directly with potential committee members. The Program Director or committee chair may recommend faculty members who may be contacted to explore the possibility of their serving on the candidate’s committee. A dialogue between the candidate and the potential committee members is recommended. These individuals should be given copies of the candidate’s preliminary idea paper for their review prior to committing to serve on the candidate’s committee. Committee members must be approved by the dissertation chair and the completely formed committee must be approved by the Program Director. Ideas for topics may come from many sources, including course materials and assignments. The more the candidate reads the literature, the topic selection will be easier. Composition/Formation of the Dissertation Committee The PhD candidate will need to form a dissertation committee prior to starting the dissertation proposal. At minimum, a committee chair and second member must be officially identified and approved prior to developing the student’s specific dissertation proposal. The third member must be included before the approval of the final proposal. The dissertation committee assumes responsibility for overseeing and assuring the quality of the candidate’s dissertation proposal, study, and dissertation report.