CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 9 Conduct Notifications University personnel may use administrative discretion with parental or legal guardian notification, in writing and/or by phone, of a student younger than 21 years of age when alcohol or drug violations of the university occur or when a student’s health or safety is at issue. Deceased Student Records Records of a deceased student will be made available to the parent(s), spouse, or executor/executrix of the deceased student and other authorized parties upon written request. The request must include the need for the records, must identify the requestor’s relationship to the deceased student, and must be accompanied with an official record certifying authorization to receive the student records—e.g., assignment as executor/ executrix. An official copy of the death certificate must accompany the request, if the university does not have prior notice of the student’s death. The university reserves the right to deny the request. For additional assistance on this matter, students should contact the Office of the University Registrar. Health Care Privacy (HIPAA) Statement The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires “covered entities” to abide by the regulations governing the privacy, confidentiality, and security of protected health information, defined as individually identifiable health information created, received, maintained, or transmitted at or by a covered entity, whether such information is electronic, written, or spoken. NSU is considered a “hybrid entity” for purposes of compliance with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations, as NSU’s business activities include both covered and noncovered functions. As such, NSU’s covered health care centers are subject to the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations, as well as policies implemented by NSU. Pursuant to the HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations, each covered NSU health care center is responsible for enacting privacy and security policies and procedures. Thus, the various NSU health care centers that provide patient care in a HIPAA-covered setting have enacted such policies and procedures. All NSU health care center workforce members including—but not limited to—faculty members, employees, and trainees, are responsible for following the policies and procedures implemented by the applicable NSU health care center. In addition, the HIPAA Regulations require that NSU provides training to its health care center faculty members, employees, and trainees with respect to its HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Research policies and procedures. NSU has developed a comprehensive online education program designed to comply with the HIPAA Regulations and to educate its workforce members and others who use, disclose and/or access protected health information. Applicable NSU health/mental health profession students and trainees will be required to complete the education program coordinated through his or her respective college/academic program. Violations of the NSU policies and procedures regarding privacy and security of protected health information will be reported to the appropriate supervising authority for potential disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal in accordance with the applicable college/academic program policies. Further, NSU faculty members and students may be subject to the HIPAA privacy and security policies and procedures enacted by various non-NSU health care facilities in which they train. It is the responsibility of the faculty member and student to familiarize himself or herself with such policies and procedures upon entering each facility. Any questions concerning the HIPAA privacy policies can be directed to the HIPAA liaison of your NSU health care center, the NSU HIPAA privacy officer, or the NSU HIPAA security officer.
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