CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Physical Therapy 2018–2019 191 Professional D.P.T. Program—Fort Lauderdale Academic Progression For classes that combine both psychomotor practical exams and written exams/assignments, students must obtain minimum of both of the following in order to pass the class: a 75 percent average on the written exams/ assignments and a 75 percent average on the practicals. If at least a 75 percent is not obtained on both components, this will constitute a course failure, even if the overall course grade is above a 75 percent. If the student does not pass both components with at least a 75 percent, a cumulative remediation written and/or practical examination will be administered. A grade of 75 percent will be assigned for courses passed by remediation. Communication with Faculty Members Outside of class, the primary modes of communication with faculty members is email and Canvas. Students are responsible for checking and replying to all faculty member communication through email and Canvas on a regular basis (i.e., at least daily). Failure to do so may result in the student being referred to the CSP for unprofessional behavior. Professional D.P.T. Program Student Dress Code Students are expected to strictly adhere to dress code standards as established by the program. The official scrub sets for the D.P.T. program are charcoal gray. For labs, students must wear charcoal gray scrub sets or any brand of navy-colored shorts and NSU approved T-shirts or the class T-shirt (preapproved by the faculty). Women should wear sports bras so that the torso can be exposed when needed. The course leader and the lab activities will dictate whether scrubs or shorts and T-shirts are required for lab. Nonskid, closed-toe, supportive shoes with socks are required. If a student has long hair, it must be tied back. Nails should be one-eighth inch or less. Minimal, nondangling jewelry may be worn. Wearing of navy-colored shorts and T-shirts will be limited solely to classroom lab hours and only on the second floor of the HPD Library Building. Students not dressed appropriately for lab may be asked to leave the class and an unexcused absence will be documented in the student’s file. Any time that students are not on the second floor of the HPD Library Building, they must be dressed in charcoal gray scrub sets (matching shirt and pants) or the approved-dress NSU clinic uniform with a lab coat, and nonskid, closed-toe, supportive shoes with socks. The NSU clinic uniform/required professional dress is navy blue NSU polo-shirt and khaki slacks (no capris); nonskid, closed-toe, supportive shoes with socks; lab coat; student ID; wristwatch; and minimal, nondangling jewelry. If a student has long hair, it must be tied back. Nails should be one-eighth inch or less. Students are expected to come to all weekend institutes with the requisite lab equipment indicated by the course instructor. Students who are unprepared for class may be asked to leave the class or may receive a deduction in the course grade.
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