CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
184 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Occupational Therapy 2018–2019 Conference Attendance and Service-Learning Requirements All O.T.D. students may be required to attend district, state, and/or national conferences or meetings as determined by the program director or as required in certain courses. Participation in these conferences and meetings requires membership to state and/or national associations or societies, and provides membership benefits, as well as contributes to professional development. O.T.D. students are also required to participate in service-learning activities approved by the program. Failure to complete these requirements may impact the student’s progression in the program, if not the graduation date. The most current service-learning policy and procedures are published in the Canvas Student Center. Computer Requirements, Proficiency, and Services Except for the weekend institutes, the majority of didactic experiences occur in the virtual environment. Therefore, all students are required to have a computer, preferably a laptop, that they will need to participate during the institutes for taking quizzes or exams, searching databases, and doing interactive and individual writing exercises. Computers and/or laptops acquired must meet specifications according to the Hardware Guidelines for Computing at NSU, available at . See the orientation computer requirement document for specific video, audio, browser, and photography guidelines. All students need to be proficient in, at minimum, computer technology, word processing, data management, search engines, and resource utilization. Except for the first semester, students are required to register online for all courses. Students register through WebSTAR, which they can access from the university home page or through SharkLink. The NSU Help Desk is an online resource available 24 hours a day to provide assistance for academic computer and technology problems. The Help Desk is available by phone at (954) 262-4357 or by email at . Mobile Device Use Cell phones, tape recorders, laptops/cameras etc. will be turned off during campus sessions unless otherwise directed by the class instructor. Use of computer devices or phones for nonclassroom activities during class may result in referral to the CSP, due to lack of professional behavior. Email Students are expected to check their NSU email daily, Monday through Friday, and respond to faculty members’ emails within 24 hours during the workweek. Travel, Housing, and Parking Although the NSU Tampa O.T.D. program is primarily online, four-day on-campus institutes are held approximately once per month, except for the entrance colloquium for entering Year I students, which is part of their six-day initial on-campus institute. Students are required to arrange their own travel and housing based on the schedule provided by the program office. While on campus, students with cars should have a parking permit or a temporary pass for campus parking. Parking permits or passes for campus parking are the responsibility of each student. Travel to and from the airport is the responsibility of each student.
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