CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Occupational Therapy 2018–2019 179 Academic Promotions and Progression The progress of each student through the curriculum requires continuous satisfactory academic performance. Any student failing a course or failing to exhibit satisfactory professional behavior will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress (CSP). A course may be repeated only once. Two course failures will result in program dismissal. See information regarding the Committee on Student Progress in the Academic Standing section of this handbook. Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for doctor of occupational therapy students (Ph.D. or Dr.O.T.) is based on an alpha scale as shown below. Some courses may be pass/fail. Doctoral students must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0. Ph.D. and Dr.O.T. students must pass all coursework with a B (80 percent) or higher. Alpha Grade A B F Percent 90–100 80–89 (A grade of B /80 percent or above is required to pass in all courses) 0–79 Incomplete Coursework A student may receive a grade of I (incomplete) in a course if he or she is passing the course, based on all completed coursework to date, but is unable to complete all course requirements due to documented medical reasons or extenuating personal circumstances. An incomplete will be changed to an earned grade upon a student’s satisfactory completion of the course or residency requirements. A change from an incomplete to an earned grade must occur prior to the first day of the next academic year, or the student’s grade will be converted to an F . The taking of incompletes is strongly discouraged and requires written approval of the course instructor. The course instructor’s written approval will specify the timeframe during which the course requirements must be completed. Authorship Credit and Order Guidelines and Policy • Principal authorship, order of authorship, and other publication credits should accurately reflect the relative scientific, technical, professional, or scholarly contributions of the individuals involved. • No authorship credit should be given to someone whose suggestion/idea/feedback may have influenced a project, but did not actively participate in project development and implementation. This person could be acknowledged as described in bullet five (following). • Authorship is not merited solely for administrative support, financial contribution, or a supervisor /adviser’s position. • Authorship credit should go to those who do the actual writing and to those who have made significant scientific or scholarly contributions to a study, such as formulating hypotheses, structuring the design, conducting the analysis, interpreting results, or writing a major portion of a manuscript. • Those with minor contributions to the manuscript are appropriately acknowledged in footnotes, an introductory statement, or acknowledgements.
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