CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
168 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Health Science 2018–2019 To be eligible to receive the M.H.Sc. and D.H.Sc. degrees, students must • be of good moral character • satisfactorily complete the 21 credits in the M.H.Sc. program and the 61 credits in the D.H.Sc. program • receive a recommendation by the M.H.Sc. and D.H.Sc. program directors to the dean of the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences. Course Requirements for Awarding the M.H.Sc. Degree in the Accelerated Dual-Degree The M.H.Sc. degree can be awarded upon completion of 44 credits (the 21 credits of the M.H.Sc. core courses and the D.H.Sc. ethics course, the D.H.Sc. research course, a 4-credit D.H.Sc. course of the student’s choice, the D.H.Sc. internship/practicum preparation course, and the D.H.Sc. internship and practicum courses). Doctor of Health Science Program Because the Doctor of Health Science Program is delivered in a distance format, not all of the policies contained in this handbook are applicable to D.H.Sc. students. Policies that are not covered in this section are addressed in previous sections of the handbook. The following policies are specific to the Doctor of Health Science Program students. Attendance The D.H.Sc. courses are designed in distance learning formats. Each student holds the responsibility to fulfill all class requirements, access recommended resources, and meet the designated deadlines for assignment submission and exams. Students will have to attend two on-campus seminars over the course of their D.H.Sc. studies. All students are also required to log in to the student center at least once a week. Continuous Enrollment The D.H.Sc. program requires students to enroll in at least one course per semester for the duration of their D.H.Sc. studies. If a student needs to take a semester off during the academic year, a formal request for a leave of absence shall be submitted with justification, and a plan to resume studies, to the program director, and will be subject to approval of the dean’s office. Approval of leaves of absence longer than two consecutive semesters or repeated leave of absence requests will not be granted. Students who require time beyond what is stated (two consecutive semesters) or request repeated leaves of absence that exceed the stated time (two consecutive semesters) will be administratively withdrawn ( WU ) from the program and will need to reapply to the program when able to fully devote the time and energy to successfully complete the D.H.Sc. program. Continuing Service The D.H.Sc. program is designed to take no longer than seven years. All students must finish the program within seven years of their initial date of acceptance into the D.H.Sc. program or they may be dismissed.
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