CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Health Science 2018–2019 161 Retake/Repeat/Remediation • If a student fails a core sonography course, a cumulative remediation of written and/or practical examination will be administered. Grades on the transcript will be qualified to indicate a repeated course or a remediation examination. • A final course grade of less than C in any given core sonography course will constitute a course failure (this includes a grade achieved through a remediation examination). The grade from a remediation examination can be no lower than a C . Students who fail a core sonography course and the remediation examination will be sent to the Committee on Student Progress with recommendation and may be dismissed. • While matriculating through the Bachelor of Science in Medical Sonography with Master of Health Science program, each student is permitted to remediate a total of two core courses. A student will be allowed to sit for only one remediation examination per course. • Students in the B.S.—MS/M.H.Sc. program also take courses online. These courses do not offer remediation. A failure in one of the online courses means the course will need to be repeated at additional cost to the student and may delay graduation from the program. A student with one or more course failures will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress and may be dismissed from the program. • A student who is dismissed on the basis of inadequate academic performance who wishes to reenroll in the program will be required to reapply to the program in order to be considered for admission. The application will be treated in the same manner as a first-time applicant, under the admissions standards applicable to the next entering class. Any student who is readmitted to the program will be considered a first-time applicant for the purposes of coursework and must repeat all required coursework, including any courses completed previously, and will incur all course charges and expenses accordingly. • Clinical externship courses cannot be remediated. If course requirements for that semester of clinical externship are not met by the end of the term, the externship may be extended as appropriate until satisfied, as determined by the program director. If upon completion of the extension period, the clinical requirements have still not been satisfied, the student will receive a failing grade for that course and will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress and may be dismissed from the program. If a clinical preceptor, mentor, supervisor, or lab director requests that a student be removed from a clinical site, the student will be automatically suspended pending a hearing by the Committee on Student Progress, which may result in course failure and/or dismissal from the program for academic performance and/or unprofessional conduct (even without any prior failure on record). Students who are dismissed from the program on the basis of unprofessional conduct will not be considered for reenrollment in the program. All guidelines regarding academic honesty, cheating, attendance, and professionalism apply to the clinical externship courses.
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