CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
148 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Health Science 2018–2019 If a clinical preceptor, mentor, supervisor, or lab director requests that a student be removed from a clinical site, the student will be automatically suspended pending a hearing by the Committee on Student Progress, which may result in course failure and/or dismissal from the program for academic performance and/or unprofessional conduct (even without any prior failure on record). Students who are dismissed from the program on the basis of unprofessional conduct will not be considered for reenrollment in the program. All guidelines regarding academic honesty, cheating, attendance, and professionalism apply to the clinical externship courses. Grading Policies and Procedures Courses for the Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Sonography are graded on an alpha scale, following the grading standards of the college. Each student must pass all courses with a C or better in all required courses for the B.S.—CVS degree. Any grade lower than a C will result in failure of the course. Students receiving a failing grade in a core sonography course or an online course will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress (CSP). Any failed online course may need to be repeated and additional tuition will be charged, and may result in delay of progress through the program. Failure of any single core course will be cause for referral to the CSP and may be cause for dismissal from the program. Alpha Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D F Scale 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 74–76 70–73 67–69 60–66 0–59 Chancellor’s List, Dean’s List, and Graduation with Honors The Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Sonography follows the criteria and policies of the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences for recognizing outstanding student performance and academic excellence while enrolled in and upon graduation from the program. Please refer to the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences section of this student handbook for details. Incomplete Coursework For the B.S.—CVS program, the student will have one semester to complete a course after the conditions of the incomplete have been agreed to, based on instructor recommendation and program director approval. Students requesting extensions due to medical or military reasons are expected to provide official documentation.
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