CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Health Science 2018–2019 139 Departmental Policies for All Health Science Programs Textbooks Specific recommendations can and will be made by the program and individual professors. Students may purchase their books from any convenient source. Computer Use See the NSU policy for Acceptable Use of Computing Resources. Program Leave of Absence The Department of Health Science programs follow the college policy on all leaves of absence. Incomplete Coursework A grade of incomplete ( I ) is issued because of unexpected emergencies and must be made up within one semester following the final class date of the course, as stipulated by the course instructor and with approval of the program director. Students requesting extensions due to medical or military reasons are expected to provide official documentation. It is the student’s responsibility to consult the instructor and submit the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form (download available in each student center) prior to the end of the course. The form must be signed by the student and the course instructor and approved by the program director. The student must have completed at least 50 percent of the assignments prior to course end and prior to requesting an incomplete grade. The instructor will not accept assignments received after the date indicated on the agreement, and the student’s grade will be assigned according to the work the student completed by the end of the course. A grade of I cannot be given if less than 50 percent of the assignments have been completed by the official end date of the course. An incomplete grade that has not been changed by the official date in this agreement will be converted to an F by the program director and chair of the Department of Health Science. Dress Code When on the NSU campus during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.) B.H.Sc., M.H.Sc., D.H.Sc., and Ph.D. in Health Science students are to comply with the Health Professions Division’s dress code previously outlined in the Health Professions Division section of the student handbook. Students in the on-campus programs will also comply with the HPD dress code while on clinical rotations. Additional Departmental Policies for On-Campus Programs Military Leave of Absence for On-Campus Programs Students in the military—whether active, reserve, or National Guard—desiring to take a leave of absence because of military deployment or changes in orders may request a leave of absence for the duration of the time indicated in their orders. In order to request military leave of absence, the student must contact and supply
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