CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
122 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Anesthesia 2018–2019 Students who receive a final course grade of F in any Master of Science in Anesthesia core course will not be allowed to progress to the next semester until the course is passed by remediation (core didactic courses only) or course repeat (core clinical courses only). Students who fail to pass course remediation or course repeat at the next scheduled offering will receive an F in that course and may be dismissed from the program. Below are the core didactic courses of the Master of Science in Anesthesia program. All courses with the ANES/ANET prefix and the following ANAT 5420 Anatomy PHST 5400 Physiology Below are the core clinical courses of the Master of Science in Anesthesia program. ANES/ANET 5001, 5002 Clinical Anesthesia I, II ANES/ANET 6001, 6002, 6003 Clinical Anesthesia V, VI, VII No student may advance to the clinical year of study without satisfactorily completing all of the requirements for the didactic years’ core courses. In addition, no student may complete the clinical-year curriculum and graduate without satisfactorily completing all of the requirements for the clinical-year coursework. Any student failing a course or failing to exhibit satisfactory professional behavior will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress. (See information regarding the Committee on Student Progress in the Academic Standing section of this handbook.) Retake/Repeat/Remediation The Master of Science in Anesthesia program is in compliance with the Committee on Student Progress, and Course Remediation policies listed in the student handbook. The following policies apply to the program. • Students who do not pass a core didactic course through initial offering or through remediation, will receive a final course grade of F and will be sent to the Committee on Student Progress and may be dismissed. • Students in the Master of Science in Anesthesia program also take courses online. These courses do not offer remediation. A failure in one of the online courses means the course will need to be repeated at additional cost and may delay graduation from the program. Additional tuition will be charged for any repeated course. • Clinical Courses—the following applies to the clinical core courses (ANES/ANET 5001, 5002, 6001, 6002, 6003): None of these courses can be remediated. If requirements are not met by the end of the course for any reason, the student will be sent to the Committee on Student Progress which may result in course repeat, course failure, program extension, and/or immediate dismissal from the program (even without any prior failure on record). If a student fails a clinical course, the student will be sent to the Committee on Student Progress and may be dismissed. A student may remediate no more than two courses during his or her enrollment in the program. If a student fails three or more courses while in the program, the student will be dismissed from the program.
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