CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences 2018–2019 109 Dismissal Dismissal is the final and most severe step in the levels of disciplinary recourse. Dismissal is stipulated when students violate the Student Code of Conduct and/or do not meet the conditions of their probation, as described above. A student who violates the Student Code of Conduct will be referred to the program’s Committee on Student Progress, which will make recommendations to the department chair/program director. The college reserves the right, and the student by his or her act of matriculation concedes to the college the right, to require withdrawal at any time the college deems it necessary to safeguard its standards of scholarship, professional behavior, and compliance with regulations, or for such other reasons as are deemed appropriate. A student who is dismissed because of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct may be required to reapply to the program in order to be considered for readmission under the admissions standards applicable for the next class. However, readmission is not guaranteed and is ultimately at the discretion of the program director. The applicant will be treated as a first-time competitive applicant for the purposes of coursework and must repeat and pass all required coursework. Students are instructed to refer to their college’s individual program policies regarding readmission, because exceptions or additional restrictions may apply. Faculty members should use the Curriculum Change Form when probation, etc., is to be notated on a transcript. Course Remediation Cost The cost of repeating a course is not covered in the regular tuition. Students who fail a course, didactic or fieldwork, will be required to repeat the course and will be charged a per semester hour rate as determined by the executive vice chancellor and provost. Course Remediation—Applies to Professional Programs Only The purpose of course remediation is to assure mastery of the material taught in a course, not only for earning good grades, but also to develop proficiency to guide decision-making in clinical and nonclinical situations. Please note that the term “Examination” is being used generically throughout this document to imply any assessment method that is employed by a program. Individual programs may elect to allow remediation for all courses, core courses, or only specific courses. Note: Successful remediation of a course does not constitute a course failure. A course is considered failed when the final course grade as noted on the transcript is an F . When offered, the following guidelines should be followed: 1. A student who earns a grade less than the minimum passing grade for a final course grade will remediate the course through the appropriate mechanism (written examination, practical examination, oral presentations, etc.). 2. A course remediation examination will only be allowed one time per course, at a date no earlier than three business days or no greater than five business days after the course or semester ends. Justifiable exceptions, such as a student appeal process or semester breaks, may necessitate an adjustment to that timeline.
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