CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences 2018–2019 105 Process and Procedure • When informed of the alleged violation or academic deficiency by the department chair or program director, the chair of the Committee on Student Progress, (CSP) will conduct a preliminary investigation. • The CSP chair will then call a meeting of the committee and shall notify the student in question. The student shall receive written notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting. Legal representation or any other form of representation is prohibited during the hearing. • The student will provide the CSP chair with a list of any witnesses he or she may have, in writing, no less than two business days before the hearing date. The student will be responsible for ensuring the presence of his or her witness. • Witnesses will be called in individually to be questioned and to provide any statements. Any witness may be asked to remain outside the meeting room for later recall. The student will not be present during the questioning of any witness. • The student will be given ample opportunity to present his or her statements to the committee. The student will only be present during his or her statement and to respond to any questions from the committee. • The CSP chair will dismiss the student and any witnesses and close the meeting for discussion. • At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee shall make recommendations to the department chair or designee. • The department chair or designee shall review the committee’s recommendations and shall notify the student of the outcome in writing by certified mail (return receipt requested), by email with response requested, or by hand delivery. • The recommendations of the CSP and all reports, letters, and investigative records shall be maintained by the program for not less than five years. This information is not part of the student’s permanent record or the student’s transcript. Students have the right to appeal the decision within five business days of notification from the department chair or designee, except in cases of grade disputes, in which the department chair or designee is the final appeal. A request for appeal must follow the procedures outlined in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Handbook section titled Student Appeals. Academic Warning/Probation/Dismissal The purpose of this policy is to identify and provide assistance to students who are not making satisfactory academic progress. To enhance students’ chances of achieving the best academic outcomes, the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences has adopted academic standards designed to identify those students who are experiencing academic difficulty, and to provide timely intervention through academic advising and academic support programs. The policy addresses academic discipline at three levels—academic warning, academic probation, and academic dismissal. The university reserves the right to take additional action as it deems appropriate. Individual program policies may affect interpretation of these policies, and the student is therefore subject to his or her program’s policies. For example, a program that dismisses students after one course failure will not need to adhere to the policies, outlined below, for Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal.
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