CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019
104 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences 2018–2019 Leave of Absence A student seeking a voluntary Leave of Absence must submit his or her request in writing to the program director and/or department chair. The request must include: 1) the reason for the request for the leave of absence (LOA) and the length of time the student is requesting, 2) a statement that he/she is in good academic standing, and 3) any documentation substantiating the need for the LOA such as a letter from a physician or other entity. If the request for the LOA is after the fourth week of the term, he/she will not be eligible to receive any tuition refund. The dean, in collaboration with the director and/or the chair will review the written request, weigh the need for the request with the need for the student to continue in the program uninterrupted, review the student’s academic standing and the length of the request, and determine whether the Leave of Absence is warranted. In collaboration with the dean, the director and/or chair will make this determination and then notify the student in writing whether a Leave of Absence will be granted and the conditions and timeframe under which the student may return to school. Satisfactory performance of essential functions may be used to grant a leave or reentry into the program. Prior to returning from the LOA, the student may be required to audit courses. Chancellor’s List Students receiving a 3.8 GPA or better are placed on the Chancellor’s List for that semester. (Effective fall 2016, the undergraduate GPA requirement will be 3.8.) An annual letter of commendation is sent from the chancellor to the student and the honor is recorded on the student’s official transcript. Dean’s List Students receiving a 3.6 GPA or better are placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. (The undergraduate GPA requirement is 3.8.) A letter of commendation is sent from the dean to the student, and the honor is recorded on the student’s official transcript. Graduation with Honors Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or better will receive a diploma inscribed with Highest Honors. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.6 to 3.79 will receive a diploma inscribed with Honors. Students should refer to their program-specific sections of this handbook for variations on these criteria. Committee on Student Progress Each department within the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences has one or more Committee(s) on Student Progress (CSP). It is the CSP’s responsibility to conduct proceedings to examine the status of students who are experiencing academic problems or who have violated any regulation, policy, and/or professional or behavioral codes of conduct. The CSP examines individual cases and makes appropriate recommendations to the department chair or designee, who determines the final status of the individual student. All examinations of individual cases are informal proceedings conducted by the CSP. Legal representation is not permitted; rules of evidence will not be used.
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