College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016
75 Supervisor at the end of each practicum session returns all related information to BTI for placement in locked storage. DVDs or any client recordings or information are not allowed off BTI premises Program Requirements: Annual Review, Clinical Portfolio and Applied Clinical Project As a requirement for completing the D.M.F.T. program, students prepare and submit a Clinical Portfolio that includes a written and video presentation of their clinical and supervision work at the end of their second year. The portfolio requirement is also designed to help students become better able to present their work in professional contexts, such as seeking employment and academic exchange. And, at the end of a student’s third year, a paper and presentation of their Applied Clinical Project is required. Each requirement is intended to address major training and academic goals of the program and the student’s progress throughout their program. This review process represents a stepping stone experience for students as they prepare to undertake their Applied Clinical Project work. Successful completion of each component indicates that the student is able to plan, undertake, and complete increasingly sophisticated projects, requiring independence of both thought and motivation. Each of these components and their requirements are described in detail below. Annual Review (summer after each year) Clinical Portfolio Applied Clinical Project (third year) Annual Review As part of the graduation requirements, students must have an annual review at the end of each of the first 3 years. This annual review will consist of an evaluation of the student’s academic progress, clinical progress, student’s professional and ethical conduct, and level of attainment of the program’s student learning outcomes. The Annual Review is also utilized for collection of feedback from students about the program, support services by the institution, as well as the Program Director. This review is conducted in a manner needed for each individual student such as, but not limited to, a meeting with a faculty committee, program director, or via email. Students must register for the Annual Review during the summer of each of the first 3 years. Clinical Portfolio The Clinical Portfolio is intended to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their clinical competence, creativity, and theoretical clarity, in a manner and setting similar to that which could be expected in a job interview situation. It is an assessment of the student learning outcome associated with clinical competence. It should be viewed as the culmination of the in-house clinical training aspect of the doctoral program, and it is designed to allow students to demonstrate the full range and depth of their clinical skills and theoretical knowledge. To submit a Clinical Portfolio for faculty review, a student must have successfully completed the Internal Practicum sequence. Student’s wishing to enhance their clinical skills or theoretical knowledge may do so with additional practica, clinical work, or supervision before submitting their Clinical Portfolio. Clinical Portfolio Components The following are the 4 components to the Clinical Portfolio: Statement of Treatment Philosophy (5-7 pages, double spaced; APA formatted) Case Study (Written, single case from inception to treatment
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