College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016
59 Handbook available on line. Students must maintain current their badge in order to see clients. HIPAA Nova Southeastern University and the Department of Family Therapy require that all students successfully complete the two NSU HIPAA certificate requirements during their first term in the program, prior to seeing clients. These programs are uploaded on each student’s Blackboard at the beginning of the first term. Certificates must be printed, name entered in BLUE, and submitted to the DFT Internship Coordinator. Background checks and fingerprinting are required of ALL students and must be completed during the first two weeks of enrollment. Students should contact the DFT Internship Coordinator for detailed information on these procedures. They are also located at Client Contact Hours In order to graduate, all students must document that they have a minimum of 1000 hours of direct client contact hours. At least 500 of the 1000 required hours must be with couples and/or families present in the room. Doctoral students who have graduated from a COAMFTE approved Master’s program, or who had supervision from an AAMFT Approved Supervisor, can apply to have up to 500 client contact hours waived. Doctoral students who have a license in MFT or another mental health filed, or who obtain the license during their doctoral program, may petition the program to waive some of the required 1000 direct client contact hours. However, waiving part of this client contact hour requirement does not release a student from completing all of the practicum or internship requirements of the program. In order for a waiver request of client contact hours to be approved, the student must also provide a copy of their supervisor’s vita and credentials. In order for their supervision to count, these credentials must indicate that the previous supervisor was licensed in the mental health field AND had appropriate credentials for supervision. If a waiver request is approved, students still are required to document a minimum of 100 in-the-room client contact hours with individuals, couples, and/or families during their time as a student in the program before beginning clinical internship. At least 50 of these hours must be accrued at the Brief Therapy Institute (BTI) Practicum hours may be included in the total. In order to count, all 100 direct client contact hours must be supervised by AAMFT Approved Supervisor, who will sign and document that the hours submitted are accurate. Students must follow all BTI policies and procedures. For client contact hours obtained outside of BTI, documentation of client contact and supervision hours must include the date, type of session (i.e., family, couple, or individual), length, and location of each session. Students must have written case notes for all sessions listed. The necessary forms are available online at the CAHSS student resources website. Students must submit their completed forms to the Internship Coordinator at the end of EACH term to ensure progress is recorded and the student file remains updated. Students must submit to the Internship Coordinator the ORIGINAL SIGNED copy of the completed forms with all hours totaled and with all signatures in BLUE. Students must keep a copy of all completed and signed forms during their entire program and for future licensure needs. Client Confidentiality and Use of Client Information (DVDs and/or flash drives) Clients seen at the Brief Therapy Institute’s Family Therapy Clinic sign a Therapy Agreement that gives student clinicians permission to record sessions for educational purposes. BTI
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