College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

51 Doctoral Seminar (3 credits) Courses Necessary for Licensure (6 credits) See description Core Curriculum Description  Internal Practicum: Four terms of enrollment in clinical practicums at the Family Therapy Clinic, the department’s on-campus clinical facility. Teams of students (maximum of 6) meet weekly with a faculty member/supervisor to work with live, community-referred cases and supervision of cases throughout the calendar year. During a student’s fourth practicum, they may choose a flexible practicum provided for students to see cases independently at the Clinic. The faculty supervisor must approve this independent placement and students must continue to obtain supervision during this time,  Supervision: One course in the supervision of family therapy clinicians and one Supervision Practicum. This course fulfills the didactic instruction component for AAMFT Approved Supervisor status.  Teaching: One course in the fundamentals of teaching. Additionally, students will register for a teaching practicum offering them the opportunity to practice skills learned in that class. Electives Electives are offered to support students in fulfilling course requirements for licensure as a marriage and family therapist in Florida and other states. Electives are also taken to enhance student learning in special topics of interest. Elective courses available to doctoral students within the Family Therapy Department include Couples Therapy, Organization Consulting, Grief and Loss, Academic Writing, International Counseling and Therapy, Introduction to Equine Assisted Family Therapy, School Based Family Counseling, Advanced Bowen Systems, all courses in the Family Systems Health Care graduate certificate program, and others as offered. Other courses offered within NSU may be considered pending approval from the Program Director. Program Format, Leave of Absences The residentially offered Ph.D. in Family Therapy program can be completed in 5 years with the maximum timeframe of 7 years. If a student has not graduated once she/he has reached the 5-year mark, the student must apply for an extension and receive approval from the program director. Approval from the Program Director must be obtained for each subsequent extension until the 7-year mark has been reached. Once students have passed the 7-year mark, she/he must confer with the Program Director regarding possible dismissal from the program. Full-time enrollment is considered to be at least six credit hours per term, fall, winter, and summer. Once students begin their dissertation, they are considered full-time when registered for at least three credit hours per term. After taking 9 credit hours of dissertation, students may enroll in one dissertation credit hour per term and still be considered full time in the program. Students must continually be enrolled to remain active in the program. If a student cannot take classes due to unforeseen circumstances, s/he must to apply for a Leave of Absence three weeks prior the beginning of a term. Approval by the Program Director is required. Students can request a leave of absence for no more than three terms. Obtaining a Leave of Absence does not extend the time a student has to complete the program. A student who has not registered for one entire academic year is considered inactive and must confer with the Program Director to request readmission to the program. If approved for readmission, the student must be continually registered to remain in good standing in the program. Three terms of a Leave of Absence is the maximum for a student to remain active in the program.