College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

41 receive a failing grade by the team of faculty graders may take the examination again, up to a maximum of three times. However, students will be required to prepare and wait until the next examination is offered. Following failure of the exam, faculty may require that a student retake a particular class, prepare a special written assignment, or other remedial tasks before the exam can be taken for the second time. After three consecutive failures, the student will be dismissed from the doctoral program. A failure to submit after accessing the exam will be counted as an exam fail. Please visit to view practice questions for the qualifying examination. Dissertation Dissertation Chairs and Committees A dissertation committee for all doctoral students will be composed of at least three members, one of whom will serve as the dissertation chair. The dissertation chair must be a full-time DCRS faculty member. At least one other committee member must be a full-time CAHSS faculty member. A student may have one or more outside members on the committee if methodological or a substantive topical issue make such membership advisable and is approved by the dissertation chair. All members who are not DCRS faculty must have an earned doctorate degree and must provide copies of their credentials to the department. Dissertation committee members may not be from among the student’s family members or personal friends, nor have graduated from CAHSS within the past three academic years. After students are registered for the qualifying exam by the department, they should register themselves for CARD 7901 Dissertation Preparation. Upon passing the qualifying exam, students are considered to be at the dissertation status. Towards the end of CARD 7901, students must select their dissertation chair and complete the appropriate form, which is available online on the DCRS Students Resources page. Registering for Dissertation Students are required to complete 12 credits of dissertation. Dissertation students register for three credits per term, beginning with CARD 7901, the Dissertation Preparation course. If a student is still in progress after 12 credits, the student registers for 1 credit per term until they complete and successfully defend their dissertation, bind, and turn in their final document, and register their dissertation with ProQuest, UMI Such registration after final defense shall if needed, only be for one additional term subject to such exceptions as are provided for by law. If the student fails to complete the requirements within the additional term, the student will be automatically withdrawn from the program. If a student receives a NP (No Progress) grade while registered for Dissertation, that term will not count toward the required 12 credits of dissertation. If, for some reason, the student cannot continue working on their dissertation, they must apply in writing for a leave of absence. If they request a leave for longer than a term, it may not be possible, upon their return, to continue with their original dissertation chair. Dissertation Proposal The dissertation proposal will be defended by the doctoral candidate before their full dissertation committee. All committee members must agree that the proposal is ready for defense before the defense can be scheduled. Proposal defenses may be performed using any appropriate and relevant technology, depending on the location of committee members, and the student. The student is permitted to defend their proposal by being present at CAHSS in person, or via telephone or video conferencing. Please see the Dissertation Proposal Guidelines and related forms at