College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

40 based issues reported by faculty, students, or the administrative staff. Students should come prepared to discuss what they have learned, how they are applying it in their work, dissertation preparation or relevant practice areas. Students with a “C” in any class during the first year will remain on preliminary review status, and may be required to take additional classes such as writing or ESL, obtain a tutor, or take other remedial action. They must also work with the faculty to demonstrate evidence of progressive improvement during each successive term. Students with serious academic issues such as academic probation based on grades, poor writing, poor attendance or other serious issues may be academically dismissed from the doctoral program as a result of this preliminary review. Students who have shown disruptive, hostile, dangerous or other questionable behavior during the first year will be confidentially counseled by their advisor, a department administrator, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, additional faculty as appropriate, and any other person deemed to be relevant to the discussion. This process may be initiated at any time, as needed. It need not wait until the preliminary review process. Such behavior may result in dismissal from the program. Following the preliminary review meeting, the student will receive one of the following outcomes: a) Pass review, effective immediately. b) Pass review, with faculty recommendations for changes. Please Note: In order to obtain one of these recommendations, all grades must be B or higher, with no grades of incomplete. Courses with a grade C may have to be retaken. c) Repeat Preliminary Review, with continued enrollment contingent on the student satisfying one or more specified criteria in the course of a specified amount of time. d) Dismissal from doctoral program. II. Qualifying Exam The qualifying examination is a written examination given after students have completed all the required course work, and before beginning dissertation hours. Successful completion of the qualifying examination is required to move to advanced standing and begin dissertation research. Doctoral Seminar, a one-credit course, is offered to help students prepare for the exam and should be taken in the student’s final term of coursework. In addition, some students find it helpful to form study groups. Students are encouraged to begin to prepare for the exam well in advance. Qualifying exams are given three times per academic year, once per term. The exam is available on-line and takes place over three weekdays. Students may take the examination on NSU’s campus or anywhere else of their choosing. Students will be able to access the exam at a specific time on the morning of the first day, and their answers will be due 72 hours later. Students may use whatever materials they choose, but are expected to work alone. They are expected to write the exam answers in their own words and to use appropriate citations when applicable. Exam answers will be submitted to to check for proper citation. The exam consists of a single question; the answer will integrate theory, research, and practice aspects of conflict analysis and resolution. Teams of faculty members grade the exam answers. Students are assigned an examination number. Thus, faculty members do not know whose answers they are reviewing. Students’ answers are evaluated on the substantive content, logical and coherent style, and relevant use of class and other academic material. Students who