College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016
31 Veterans' Benefits Nova Southeastern University programs are approved for the training of veterans and other eligible persons by the Bureau of State Approval for Veterans' Training, Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs. Eligible veteran's and veterans' dependents should contact: NSU Veteran Benefit Administrator/Certifying Official 800-541-6682, ext. 27236 Fax (954) 262-3864 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm EST Veterans Resource Center The mission of the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is to link veterans with university and community resources, as well as provide a welcoming environment for student-veterans to meet, relax, and gather. The VRC is located on the second floor of the Rosenthal Building in Room 218. The room is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days a week. For more information about NSU’s Veterans Resource Center, please call (954) 262-FLAG (3524) , email us ( ) or visit website Standard of Progress A student receiving veterans’ benefits must maintain satisfactory progress. Students will be considered to be making satisfactory progress as long as they meet the academic standards set by their school for retention in their degree programs. A student who, at the end of any evaluation period, has not attained and maintained satisfactory progress will be certified, in a probationary status, for only one additional evaluation period. Should this student not attain and maintain satisfactory progress by the end of the probationary period (one evaluation period), the student’s VA educational benefits will be terminated for unsatisfactory progress. A student whose VA educational benefits have been terminated for unsatisfactory progress may petition the school to be re-certified after one evaluation period has elapsed. The school may re-certify the student for VA educational benefits only if there is a reasonable likelihood that the student will be able to attain and maintain satisfactory progress for the remainder of the program. For VA payment of benefits purposes, an “I” (Incomplete) designation for a course must be converted to a credit grade counting toward graduation, or a failing grade, by the end of one calendar year unless permission for a delay is granted by the Academic Dean for that program. An “NG” (no grad) designation for a course must be converted to a credit grade counting toward graduation, of a failing grade, by the end of one regular semester unless permission for a delay is granted by the Academic Dean for that program. Grade/Progress Reports for VAs Each VA student will be provided a grade/progress report at the end of every evaluation period (e.g., term, semester). A copy of each report will be placed in the student’s permanent file maintained by the school. The university periodically furnishes each student with a working transcript that shows current status of grades and earned semester hours for all courses completed and/or attempted, plus grades for courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
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