College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

26 the appearance thereof in taking examinations or completing work in pursuance of their educational goals. Students are expected to comply with the following academic standards: A. Original Work: Assignments such as course preparations, exams, texts, projects, term papers, practicum, and other work, must be the original work of the student. Original work may include the thoughts and words of another author. Entire thoughts or words of another author should be identified using quotation marks and page numbers. At all times, students are expected to comply with the university and/or program center’s recognized form and style manual and accepted citation practice and policy. Work is not original when it has been submitted previously by the author or by anyone else for academic credit. Work is not original when it has been copied or partially copied from any other source, including another student/person, unless such copying is acknowledged by the person submitting the work for credit at the time the work is being submitted, or unless copying, sharing, or joint authorship is an express part of the assignment. Exams and tests are original work when no unauthorized aid is given, received, or used before or during the course of the examination, re-examination, and/or remediation. B. Referencing the Works of Another Author: All academic work submitted for credit or as partial fulfillment of course requirements must adhere to each program center’s specific accepted reference manuals and rules of documentation. Standards of scholarship require that the writer give proper acknowledgment when the thoughts and words of another author are used. Students must acquire a style manual approved by their center and become familiar with accepted scholarly and editorial practice in their program. Students’ work must comport with the adopted citation manual for their particular center. At Nova Southeastern University, it is plagiarism to represent another person’s work, words, or ideas as one’s own without use of a center-recognized method of citation. Deviating from center standards (see above) is considered plagiarism at Nova Southeastern University. C. Tendering of Information: All academic work must be the original work of the student. Giving or allowing one’s work to be copied, giving out exam questions or answers, or releasing or selling term papers is prohibited. D. Acts Prohibited: Students should avoid any impropriety or the appearance thereof, in taking examinations or completing work in pursuance of their educational goals. Violations of academic responsibility include, but are not limited to the following: • Plagiarism • Any form of cheating • Conspiracy to commit academic dishonesty • Misrepresentation • Bribery in an attempt to gain an academic advantage • Forging or altering documents or credentials • Knowingly furnishing false information to the institution Students in violation will be subjected to disciplinary action up to dismissal.