College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

25 S TUDENT R IGHTS AND R ESPONSIBILITIES Nova Southeastern University Statement of Academic Rights and Responsibilities The university is an academic community of women and men and expects its students to manifest a commitment to academic integrity through rigid observance of standards for academic honesty. The university can function properly only when its members adhere to clearly established goals and values. Accordingly, the academic standards are designed to ensure that the principles of academic honesty are upheld. Nova Southeastern University, is committed to furthering scholarships, academic pursuits, and services to our society. As an institution, our purpose is to assure all students an equal opportunity to fulfill their intellectual potential through pursuit of the highest standards of academic excellence. Certain rights and obligations flow from membership in any academic community committed to such goals:  the rights of personal and intellectual freedom, which are fundamental to the idea of a university  a scrupulous respect for the equal rights and dignity of others  dedication to the scholarly and educational purposes of the university and participation in promoting and assuring the academic quality and credibility of the institution Students are responsible for obtaining, learning, and observing the established university and institute policies as listed in all official publications. In addition, students must comply with the legal and ethical standards of the institution, as well as those of Broward County and the state of Florida. All members of the community should inform the appropriate official of any violation of conduct regulation. Academic Standards and Writing Skills The university is an academic community and expects its students to manifest a commitment to academic integrity through rigid observance of standards for academic honesty. The university can function properly only when its members adhere to clearly established goals and values. Accordingly, the academic standards are designed to ensure that the principles of academic honesty are upheld. The following acts violate the academic honesty standards: 1. Cheating is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. 2. Fabrication is the intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. 3. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty is intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this code. 4. Plagiarism is the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person as one’s own without proper acknowledgment. Students are expected to submit all assignments and exams that they have completed without aid or assistance from other sources. Using sources to provide information without giving credit to the original source is dishonest. Students should avoid any impropriety or