College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

251 (3 credits) An advanced poetry writing workshop focusing on the art and craft of poetry within a collaborative, peer-review environment. Development of metaphorical structure and metrical language exploration of the universal in individual human experience will be particularly emphasized. WRIT 5030 Fiction Writing Workshop (3 credits) An advanced fiction writing workshop focusing on the art and craft of fiction within a collaborative, peer-review environment. Students will hone the techniques and tools of the fiction writer, such as a plot, narrative strategy, character, and motif. WRIT 5040 Screenwriting Workshop (3 credits) This workshop style class will examine the narrative structure and mechanics of the screenplay, as well as its creation and history. Particular emphasis will be on idea generation, plot development, screenplay format, writing treatments, scene construction, dialogue, and character development. WRIT 5050 Autobiography and Memoir Workshop (3 credits) This workshop style course focuses on the art and craft of autobiographical and memoir writing, by reading representative authors, understanding strategies used to represent the self in memory, and writing autobiographical/memoir pieces. WRIT 5060 Writing Literary Nonfiction (3 credits) This course focuses on reading and developing writing strategies for true-life stories in the nonfiction tradition exemplified by such writers as Agee, McPhee, Didion, Krakauer, and Sedaris, with particular emphasis on under- standing and experimenting with the boundaries on non-fiction prose. WRIT 5100 Teaching Writing (3 credits) An introduction to teaching composition on the secondary and college under- graduate levels; methods of teaching composition based on modern theories of rhetoric, reading, language acquisition, and pedagogical strategies. WRIT 5120 Theories of Composition (3 credits) This course provides the necessary foundation for students to be able to examine critical and rhetorical theories related to writing. Students will engage academic discourse to synthesize and analyze existing theoretical frameworks and apply them in their own writing. This course prepares students to write for academic contexts and to propose writing-related research. Course Frequency: Every Winter WRIT 5140 Writing Center Praxis (3 credits) This course provides students with advanced theoretical and experiential grounding in peer conferencing. Students study writing center theory and practice, and they apply such strategies in conferences with writers. The course prepares students for administrative duties of writing center practitioners. Course Frequency: Even Year Winter WRIT 5160 Teaching Writing Online (3 credits) This course focuses on the development of online writing instruction. Students learn to use a variety of online teaching technologies in order to produce effective writing curricula based on appropriate theories of composition. Course Frequency: Odd Year Winter WRIT 5200 Grammar and History of the English Language (3 credits) A study of the structure and development of the English language fromOld English to Modern English, including changes in word forms, meanings and sounds, syntax and grammar. WRIT 5320 Advanced Writing with Technologies (3 credits) This course focuses on developing advanced writing techniques for mobile and web-based technologies. Students in this course will examine in-depth the theories and approaches to writing within such digital environments and networks while at the same time investigate technologies as rhetorical objects. This course will prepare students to answer a variety of design problems related to technological contexts. Course Frequency: Odd Year Fall WRIT 5340 Studies in Multimodality and Digital Media (3 credits) This course explores the rhetorical relationships between multiple modes and media. It focuses on the acquisition of skills for editing and layout of multimodal publications, such as marketing materials, newsletters, online magazines, and websites. Students get hands-on experience applying these skills while working on student-led publications. Course Frequency: Every Winter WRIT 5400 Technical Writing (3 credits) This course focuses on developing techniques for writing reports, descriptions, instructions, graphic arts, and other types of writing in formats appropriate to the scientific or technical working world. Students will practice explaining technical issues to various audiences, analyze technical objects and processes, and write reports, technical manuals, and user instructions. The course will emphasize writing understandable, concise language, integrating text and graphics, and designing documents. WRIT 5550 Feature Writing (3 credits) This course offers students practical instruction in writing publishable features for print magazines and newspapers, as well as for electronic news and entertainment sources. WRIT 5600 Science and Nature Writing (3 credits) This course focuses on the particular genre of science and nature writing.