College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

249 will also be educated on specializations in career, college, health and wellness, and other specific types of coaching practice. SFTM 5363 Advanced Equine Family Therapy This course will utilize an equine-assisted, experiential model to provide students with an opportunity to explore and develop their awareness of the Self of the Therapist (SOTT). Additionally, through clinical role-plays incorporating application of MFT theories and models, students will learn to conduct equine- assisted clinical and training sessions with a variety of populations and presenting issues. Students will apply different interventions and activities involving the horses and mock clients in role-play situations, and will be expected to intentionally incorporate a systemic, relational approach in all sessions. The course readings will also integrate concepts from other clinical and theoretical coursework in order to facilitate students’ ability to consistently connect the systemic family therapy framework with an equine assisted approach. SFTM 5400 - Internal Practicum I - II These two supervised clinical courses consist of the application of systemic therapy ideas and practices at the Department of Family Therapy in house Family Therapy Clinic. Prerequisites: SFTM 5310; 5320; 6340. Offered each term. SFTM 5700 - Course Comprehensive Exam The Course Comprehensive Exam is a written exam that assesses the student’s ability to apply the theoretical knowledge gained across cases and topics based on their coursework and clinical experiences. Offered each term. SFTM 6110 – Systems Application in the Family Life Cycle of Aging This course will provide a focus on the major concepts of systems thinking as applied to the family life cycle of aging. The class will focus on foundational concepts of systemic theories associated with work of Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana, and Heinz von Foester. Students will have an opportunity to explore interactional theories informed by cybernetics, language, and natural systems metaphors in the framework of the aging process. This course will provide not only an opportunity to learn about systemic theories, but also a possibility to reflect on applications of such theoretical concepts while examining the process of aging and family interactions involving older adults. Offered winter term. SFTM 6120 – Relationships in Aging Multi-dimensional in nature, aging invites diverse health care professionals to work together to examine its various aspects. This course will offer students an opportunity to reflect on diverse relationships among older adults themselves, senior health care consumers and their health care providers, and among various health care professionals who are taking care of the aging population. The role modification in the American household, romantic relationships in later life, and the societal outlook on the process of aging are just a few topics addressed in this class. Students will also examine current needs and requirement of the working environment with older adults, including the subject of integrative primary care and a necessity of a multidisciplinary teamwork. Offered winter term. SFTM 6130 – Caregiving in the Family Caregiving constitutes a challenging experience for the whole family. This course will provide an opportunity to examine diverse characteristics of the caregivers, emotional and physical issues associated with caregiving, and existing resources implemented to support families and caretakers. In addition, students will have an opportunity to examine the notions of well-being and quality of life as applied to those providing and receiving care. While reflecting on the caregiving process, students will use concepts from such theoretical frameworks as constructivism, social constructionism, and general systems theory to investigate diverse perceptions and ideas about caregiving. Providing theoretical guidelines, this class will also give students a possibility to acquire attuned therapeutic skills to provide assistance to caregivers and their families. Offered summer term. SFTM 6140 – Grief and Loss in Aging Loss has multiple faces, especially when growing older. The experiences of loss are uniquely tinted by our cultural framework, spiritual beliefs, family traditions, and individual values. This course offers students an opportunity to examine different types of losses in later life, paying particular attention to the concepts of anticipatory and disenfranchised grief. Students explore how loss is perceived among older adults from diverse ethnical and cultural backgrounds, paying particular attention to the variety of mourning traditions. In addition, the concept of resilience is introduced inviting students to become curious about diverse stories of healing. Offered fall term. SFTM 6300 - External Practicum I - II Advanced clinical training and supervision is provided to enhance the practice of systemic therapy from strength based, solution oriented models of therapy that can be incorporated in a wide variety of community settings. Prerequisite: SFTM 5400 II. Offered each term. SFTM 6320 - Assessment in Marital and Family Therapy This course provides an overview of methods and instruments used to define problems and indicate solutions. Diagnosis, appraisals, assessments, and testing appropriate to the practice of marriage and family therapy are addressed. This course also includes a comparative study of interactional approaches and individual and family dysfunction assessments. Prerequisite: SFTM 5310; 5321; 5400-I. Offered summer term.