College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

246 interview situation. Successful completion of this exam indicates the faculty's belief that the student is clinically prepared to perform successfully in real life situations and outside clinical settings. SFTD 6710 Exam Prep Creates an environment to promote educational advancement in the program. SFTD 6750 – Clinical Portfolio The Clinical Portfolio provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their clinical competence, creativity, and theoretical clarity in a manner and setting similar to that which could be expected in a job interview situation. This culmination of in-house clinical training allows students to demonstrate the full range and depth of their clinical skills and theoretical knowledge through a written statement of treatment philosophy, case study, and video presentation. Offered each term. SFTD 6800 Qualifying Exam This exam requires a student to write a publishable-quality paper on a topic that is relevant to the field of family therapy. SFTD 6825 – Academic/Research Portfolio The Academic/Research Portfolio is developed as a way for students to demonstrate their academic and professional research accomplishments during the program; to include professional development and career building skills; and participate in academic publishing, research projects, and professional presentations across various venues. All students are required to demonstrate they possess doctoral level competency in both writing and professional presentation skills. Offered each term. SFTD 6850 Research Qualifying Exam This is a comprehensive assessment of your knowledge of qualitative and quantitative designs and methods. SFTD 6900 Dissertation The development, writing, and defense of the dissertation. When approved, students register for at least two credits per term for a minimum of 12 credits. SFTD 7301 - Assessment in Marital and Family Therapy This course provides an overview of methods and instruments used to define problems and indicate solutions; including a comparative study of interactional approaches and individual and family dysfunction assessments. Prerequisite: SFTD 6200. Offered summer term. SFTD 7302 - Personality Theories and Psychopathology A review of major theories of personality and psychopathology are the focus of this course, emphasizing psychiatric diagnostic classification systems. The study of implications for treatment and comparisons with interactional approaches are included. Prerequisite: SFTD 5006. Offered summer term. SFTD 7311 - Human Sexuality and Gender This course provides a review of the psychosocial development of sexuality and gender from childhood through aging. Also addressed is a summary of clinical approaches to sexual and gender issues comparing interactional approaches with psychodynamic and behavioral models. Prerequisite: SFTD 5006. Offered winter term. SFTD 7313 Individual and Group Psychotherapy Human Development & Individual/Group Psychotherapy: Reviews major theories of psychotherapy and understanding of psychosocial development on which they are based. Explores individual and group techniques from psychodynamic, behavioral/cognitive, humanist/experiential, and systemic approaches. SFTD 7350 - Qualitative Research II This research course explores how qualitative data are transformed and categorized during description, explanation, and interpretation. Students are introduced to a variety of inductive, deductive, and abductive methods for categorizing meaning and interactive processes. Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis methods are addressed. Family therapy-related studies are offered. Prerequisite: SFTD 6430. Offered summer term. SFTD 7360 - Teaching Practicum Supervised teaching experience in undergraduate or graduate instruction in family therapy or related field provides students opportunities to develop their pedagogical understanding of teaching and enhance their teaching skills. Prerequisites: SFTD 6310 and faculty approval. Offered each term. SFTD 7410 – Clinical or Research Internship The Clinical Internship provides students the opportunity to advance their clinical and practice skills while they complete the clinical requirements for program and clinical requirements for MFT licensure. Students who are already licensed can take the Research Internship to expand their research skills and/or work with faculty on a research project. Faculty approval is required. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Clinical Portfolio Offered each term. SFTM – Family Therapy (Masters) SFTM 5036 – Infant Mental Health This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the growing field of infant mental health. Emphasis will be placed on clinical assessment, and treatment of mental health issues among infants and their caregivers within the contexts of social, cultural, and family systems. This course is a preparation for those who may wish to become certified in the area of infant mental health. It will also be useful for those who wish to practice general marriage and family therapy and gain more knowledge of the early parenting