College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

20 training. A grade of W shall not affect standing in a program; however, a W grade may affect a student’s academic progress status for obtaining financial aid. Students who receive a grade of F are placed on academic probation and must repeat the course(s) within one year. In the Department of Justice and Human Services, students who receive a grade of F are placed on academic probation if the course is a required course and the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Doctoral students must maintain a 3.5 GPA (3.0 for students in the Ph.D. in Criminal Justice program) and master’s students must maintain a 3.0 GPA for successful graduation. Students who do not meet these requirements, or who cannot raise their GPA to meet program requirements, may be dismissed from the program. Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media students should consult course syllabi for attendance information. Academic Progress Students shall be placed on academic probation when they receive an F for a course, when they have two Cs, when they have more than two active incompletes, or when their GPA falls below 3.0 for masters, 3.5 for the Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Family Therapy, and Marriage and Family Therapy doctoral programs, and a 3.0 in the Criminal Justice doctoral program. In the Department of Justice and Human Services, students are placed on academic probation if they earn an F in a required course and the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0.Academic probation is noted on the student’s transcript. All courses with an F must be retaken and passed at the next time offered and within one year. If a student has two Cs, course(s) must be retaken within one year to reduce the number of Cs to one. In the Department of Justice and Human Services, readmitted students must retake courses in which they earned a C. Students with an ‘ I’ (Incomplete) must resolve all incomplete grades within one term. Students who do not successfully resolve academic probation within one academic year may be dismissed from the program. In the Department of Justice and Human Services, students will be considered for dismissal if more than two grades below a B are earned. MACS students within the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies and NSA students within the Department of History and Political Science who receive a second C or an F in an elective course have the option to retake that course or replace it with a different elective. The Department must be notified of this inclusion/exclusion. Students with more than one F at any time in the program will no longer be considered in good standing in the program. These students will be required to meet with the Program Director/Chair and faculty representatives in order to determine whether the student will be allowed to continue in the program (In the Department of Justice and Human Services, communications will take place online). The program reserves the right to dismiss such students from the program. Students dismissed from the program may petition for readmission after one academic year. Such students will have their records examined by the program's administration. If approved, the student will be readmitted to the program at that time. Only those courses with grades of B or better will be applied toward the degree. Dismissal for violations of professional, ethical conduct will be final. Students dismissed for such conduct will not be considered for readmission to the program.