College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

239 resolution and peace building efforts will be discussed, and class members will propose a peace building strategy for a case of their choice. NSAM 6661 – Middle Eastern Conflict This graduate seminar explores the many different types of conflict found in the Middle East. It seeks to provide students with the analytical tools and skills required to explain the causes, understand the actors, and analyze and/or predict the outcomes of specific Middle Eastern conflicts. To meet these objectives we will evaluate broad types of Middle Eastern conflict such as religious, ethnic, and cultural, militarized conflicts, civil wars, and occupations. We will also evaluate Middle Eastern conflict negotiation, the Middle East peace process, why negotiation and peace has failed, and what needs to be done so that Middle East peace could be achieved. Finally, we will look at the future of Middle Eastern conflicts. NSAM 6662 – Political Violence Political Violence is a graduate seminar that explores the many different types of political violence; specifically looking at revolutions, terrorism, and transitional- institutional political violence. This seminar examines a wide range of topics in order to provide the student with a deeper understanding of political violence. We will engage in a thoughtful and in-depth examination of the definitions, causes, and consequences of political violence, as well as consider the different means to countering political violence. NSAM 6670 – Introduction to International Relations and International Issues This course is an introduction to world politics and is intended to give the student a better understanding of international relations and the complex issues and perspectives affecting the world community. We will investigate many aspects of international relations such as the dominate theories of international relations, the history of the nation-state, the definition of power, Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, war, ethnic conflict, political economy, international institutions, transnational organizations, trade, modernization, dependency theory, imperialism, globalization, and the foreign policy of the United States and its impact on the world community. Students are expected to keep up to date with current global events by reading an international newspaper each day and being prepared to connect and apply those current events to the topics covered in class. QRGP – Qualitative Research QRGP 6300 Foundations of Qualitative Research This course introduces students to the epistemological, theoretical, methodological, and procedural foundations of qualitative research. Students will learn common factors qualitative approaches to inquiry share as well as learning the specifics of the major qualitative research methodologies such as generic qualitative description, grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography, narrative analysis, and discourse analysis. Students will also be introduced to the variety of professional settings in which qualitative research is utilized including academia, business and organizations, international development, and private consultation. Offered fall. QRGP 6301 Qualitative Data Collection The course provides students an opportunity to learn the basics of qualitative research design with a focus on qualitative data generation, collection, and preparation. Students will learn how to select appropriate research sites, gain access to data sources, design and manage sampling strategies, conduct individual and group interviews, carry out field observations, collect documents, transcribe, and compose field notes. Students will also learn quality control measures such as maintaining research journals and diaries. Offered winter. QRGP 6302 Qualitative Data Analysis I This course covers best practices in generic qualitative, ethnographic, and grounded theory analysis. Students will learn how to conduct within-case and across case analysis, coding and conceptualization, transforming data, and report writing. Students will also learn quality control measures such as constant comparison, member checking, peer debriefing, and conducting audit trails. Offered fall. QRGP 6303 Qualitative Data Analysis II This course covers best practices in phenomenology, narrative inquiry, and discursive analysis. Students will learn how to conduct thematic analyses, phenomenological reduction, creative synthesis, microanalysis, and report writing. Students will also learn quality control measures such as bracketing, epoché, and verisimilitude. Offered winter. QRGP 6304 Appraising Qualitative Research This course covers the appraisal and review of products emanating from qualitative research including papers, articles, posters, grant proposals, books, book prospectus, dissertations, theses, and systematic reviews. Students will learn how to assess the quality of qualitative research products, construct and use criterion-based rubrics, and compose reviews. Students will also serve as ad hoc reviewers for The Qualitative Report ( TQR ). Offered occasionally. QRGP 6305 Qualitative Research Design This course covers knowledge and skills needed to design a qualitative research study and compose a qualitative research proposal. Students will learn how to construct and justify a qualitative research study, synthesize the relevant research literature, generate discovery-oriented research questions, select sites and samples, create a manageable method