College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

238 homeland security, and the response to natural disasters. There will be interactive exercises as well as a case study approach used. Offered Winter term. NSAM 6640 – Critical Incidents Response This course will provide an in-depth analysis and understanding of inter-group and intra-group dynamics associated with the organizational response to critical incidents such as hostage/barricade management, terrorism, kidnapping, natural and other disasters, and tactical operations, which comprises the negotiations team, the tactical team, and the on-scene commander, as well as coordination of efforts with government, organizations, and the community. Topics include: inter-group and intra-group conflict intervention and communication strategies, negotiation, tactical, and command protocols, hostage/barricade resolution continuum options, and case studies. Offered Summer term. NSAM 6641 – Conflict and Crisis Negotiation This course will provide an overview of law enforcement crisis negotiation and its application to crisis situations, such as domestic violence encounters on an individual level and hostage/barricade encounters on an organizational level. Lecture, expert demonstration, and interactive negotiation with role play will provide an experiential learning environment for understanding and applying active listening skills, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change concepts to conflict and crisis situations. Offered Fall term. NSAM 6643 – Social Aspects of Terrorism This course will examine a wide range of different cultures and societies with a special emphasis placed upon political violence. Regions explored are: Basque country, Chechnya, Colombia, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe. Of particular importance are the dimensions of terrorism, trauma, and violence through an understanding of colonialism, discourse, history, material culture, media, rebellion, revolution, and separatism. Additionally, the course will focus upon the causes of 9/11 and the recent fomentation of international terrorism. By exploring the subject of terrorism form an anthropological perspective will demonstrate the complexities and various interpretations concerning the political uses through the appreciation of interdisciplinary analysis. NSAM 6650 – International negotiation: Principles, Process and Issues This course describes and analyzes the major principles, processes and issues of international negotiation in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It seeks to provide students with the analytical tools skills required to explain and predict the outcome of specific (bilateral or multilateral) negotiations through the study of various explanation factors, including: stability and change in the structure of the existing "international system"; the individual characteristics of the nations-states parties (power/capabilities, interests, culture/values, negotiating styles, etc.; the strategic and tactical moves of those considered as "key players"; as well as the role of smaller states and non-state actors NSAM 6651 – Theories of Ethnicity & Nationalism Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism: This course is foundational for theoretical understandings of ethnicity and nationalism. Students will analyze general theories from key debates and critically examine various points of view in relation to defining boundaries, conflict, context, difference, identity, migration, minority/majority, race and tribalism in regard to ethnicity, as well as community, fantasy, ideology, neo-Marxism, modernism, perennialism, political, primordialism, semiotic, sociocultural, socioeconomic, imagination, invention, and tradition in association with nationalism and nationalists, and the entwinement and interrelation between all of these prevalent notions and themes. Upon completion of the course students will better grasp ethnic belonging, ethno- nationalist conflict, and intra/inter-group disputes from the standpoint of applied theory, cultural relativity, and humanism. NSAM 6654 – Islam, Conflict and Peacemaking This course will provide an historical overview of Islam, including an introduction to belief systems, the different branches of the faith and schools of Islamic law with a special emphasis on Muslim doctrines related to conflict and peace. It will include the contemporary era and investigate Muslim engagements with modernity and discuss the varied responses and perspectives. There will some discussions of international relations, but the course will also emphasize micro level issues. Students will have the opportunity to develop research projects designed to extend their understanding of Islam and its potential as a resource for peace building. NSAM 6657 – Conflict Coaching Theory and Practice This course examines the growing use of conflict coaching as a conflict intervention process and introduces different models and related theoretical foundations. The integration of theory and practice will emphasize the various stages including identity framework, narrative, needs assessment, goal setting, and feedback, utilizing a relational and systems orientation. The course develops coaching skills, strategies, and knowledge, and uses a practice-based approach, including role- plays and case studies. NSAM 6659 – Conflict Peace Build in Africa This course examines conflict and peace building dynamics in the African continent. Its content includes a survey of contemporary macro-level conflicts in Africa and an examination of their historical and more immediate causes. Class participants will explore the causes and effects of such conflicts and investigate prospects for constructive transformation. Past and ongoing